[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 8: October 2011) - page 21


Oh Fibo )))))

It's no use swearing.... In the market, he who has more is right...........))))))))


Please explain, who can: What is pellroyz?


Please explain, who can: What is pellroyz?

show must go on
show must go on
I didn't get the meaning.
Please write the word in English if it is a word in English

Ooh...how messed up it is )))) well, I'll leave you to it...)))) go away...
messed up? Train your brain and all will be well!

Please explain, who can: What is pellroyz?

Search the internet for payrolls or NFP(non-farm payrolls)

Got it. Thanks.

Here's what I found:

The payrolls report (Nonfarm payrolls):
This is a monthly report from the US Department of Labor. Nonfarm payrolls are the number of new jobs created in nonfarm industries in a month. Payroll is a payroll that pays the wages of workers. It is a very strong indicator that shows the change in employment in the country. An increase in this indicator characterizes the increase in employment and leads to an increase in the exchange rate of the dollar. It is usually published on the first Friday of each month at 12:30 GMT.

Got it. Thanks.

Here's what I found:

The payrolls report (Nonfarm payrolls):
This is a monthly report from the US Department of Labor. Nonfarm payrolls are the number of new jobs created in nonfarm industries in a month. Payroll is a payroll that pays the wages of workers. It is a very strong indicator that shows the change in employment in the country. An increase in this indicator characterizes the increase in employment and leads to an increase in the exchange rate of the dollar. It is usually published on the first Friday of each month at 12:30 GMT.

it's too late for that now.

Got it. Thanks.

Here's what I found:

The payrolls report (Nonfarm payrolls):
This is a monthly report from the US Department of Labor. Nonfarm payrolls are the number of new jobs created in nonfarm industries in a month. Payroll is a payroll that pays the wages of workers. It is a very strong indicator that shows the change in employment in the country. An increase in this indicator characterizes the increase in employment and leads to an increase in the exchange rate of the dollar. It is usually published on the first Friday of each month at 12:30 GMT.
the whole thing is simply called - show must go on

it's too late.

It's not that it's late... It's just that now I'll know... what it was about. Besides, "the show must go on."