[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 7: September 2011) - page 112

Hello !!! Old timers here on Friday ))) but has anyone been watching gold today ? 125 dollars down .... I haven't seen anything like this in a day ..... 125 quid for gold equals 1250 pips for Eurobucks .... I wish I could get that much for a day.
Gold is down to 1300 ... no buying ... gold and oil are dropping ... stocks are going down ... look at what's going on ...
Hello !!! Old timers here on Friday ))) but has anyone been watching gold today ? 125 dollars down .... I haven't seen anything like this in a day ..... 125 quid for gold equals 1250 pips for Eurobucks .... I wish I could get that much for a day.
Why didn't you? What were you looking at? I don't watch gold, that's why I'm not upset. I will watch it in a month and a half, but in the meantime, I'll watch pure Eurodollar and Pound-Dollar, that's all.
It does not matter where you live where you were born, but who you feel you are - your soul tells you... it is innocent and truthful - and logic only spoils all intentions.
1200 pips in a week on two pairs - not bad I think?
Hello !!! Old guys here on friday )))) did anyone watch gold today ? Gold down $125 .... I have never seen so much in one day .... 125 quid for gold equals 1250 pips for Eurobucks .... I wish I could get so much for one day.

Gold lost five times today on the hourly candlesticks - one buy at 230p and one sell at 1020p

weak - at least 300 pips a day can be caught on two pairs...
It's not where you live where you were born that matters, but who you feel you are - your soul will tell you. It is innocent and truthful - and logic only spoils all endeavours...

Thank you for the clarification!

But it is no longer Kiev or Moscow above us. We are free. And we don't care about governments. So, kindly come! Or did I put it wrong?


Thank you for the clarification!

But it is no longer Kiev or Moscow above us. We are free. And we don't care about governments. So, kindly come! Or did I misspell it?

As one comrade said - as long as P... has a pipe, they won't let you go anywhere...
I'm weak - at least 300 pips a day can be caught on two pairs.
When you write, with your hands and those pips are a joy, your head is not occupied with that.
It's not the hands that need to work, it's the intellect...