[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 6: August 2011) - page 46


Fishing is a delicate and tedious business - for the quick and quick on the result - as they come, so they go - the law of life...

Jungle law)))
Unfortunately, not all of my limit purchases have come through. But that's good enough. I think it is safe now till Friday not to look into the trade. And we will analyze the further movement. Good luck to all and good profits.

It is already possible to not look at it for a couple of months, that is why I wanted to buy)))

We might not look back for a couple of months already, that's why I wanted to buy)))

I don't think there will be a rise till Friday - the daily is going down and in the balance zone is so up to 4350 maximum or in this area will turn or will try at 4410 to finally reverse the downwards move


There's no way it can break through 4276. Let's wait.

I already got my 100 pips.


How do you do, guys? ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I closed with a smaller profit on the trawls on the chiff and that's it, I closed half of them this morning...

There is an unopened pivot below the pivot on the euro down south, I think it will stay there for a long time ))))


Margaret, while Stranger's on the pavement, do you think the head-to-shoulders test went well?

The Eurodollar is clear - all the cream from Obama's speech in pon, I didn't even enter the market yesterday on this pair. The pattern here worked 100%: "Buy with rumour and sell with fact" so there was not much of a surge but... On the 4-th of the Eurozone meeting, I think they will want to take the Euro down to get something to go up afterwards.

I, personally, am sitting pretty on the chiff for now ))))

Euryk has been fond of drawing and breaking figures lately...
Eurick has been loving the figure drawing and breaking lately...

While the Eurobucks has not reached R2 -- I'm on the fence, the main focus for now is on gold. The chiff closed prematurely, but predictably (I got my 100pps on it this morning, as I smelled two thirds of positions closed), but gold stayed ;-)

And thanks Margaret, when I heard Swiss whining about hearing about high exchange rate and worries about unemployment, I realized - the Japanese version is coming, so - big senx...

Margaret, good afternoon. What do you make of this news: 1 .The international rating agency Moody's Investors Service has affirmed its AAA rating on US government bonds, but revised its outlook to negative. This is stated in the agency's press release.

2.It also became known that the Chinese rating agency Dagong Global Credit Rating downgraded the US rating from A+ to A. This agency is little known outside of China, but expects to compete with well-established agencies such as Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch.
A downgrade of the USA is not a downgrade of the Eurozone periphery, it has been and will be upgraded (not for long, just a matter of time) and all market participants know it, it is priced in. Well, in general, if the US credit rating is downgraded really badly, it will be a problem not only for the dollar, but also for the Euro as the stock market will fall seriously and the Eurodollar will follow it.
A downgrade of the USA is not a downgrade of the Eurozone periphery, it is going to be downgraded as well as upgraded (it will not last long, just a matter of time) and all market participants know about it, it is in the price. Well, in general, if the US credit downgrade is really serious, it will be a problem not only for the dollar, but also for the Euro as the stock market will fall seriously and the Eurodollar will follow it.

I told you they would be in a race right now:

A physics problem:

The euro and the dollar are falling in airless space.

The question is: Who will fall first?)

US downgrade is not a downgrade of Eurozone periphery, it will be downgraded as well as upgraded (it will not last long, just a matter of time) and all market participants know about it, it is priced in. Well, in general, if the US credit rating is downgraded really badly, it will be a problem not only for the dollar, but also for the Euro as the stock market will fall seriously and the Eurodollar will follow it.

And what does Mr Romanov say? Somewhere I lost the link to his comments)))