Formalising common approaches to trading - page 5


Avals bravo! I finally see a Man who understands behind the DC screen.

It's always possible to connect! I don't understand the purpose, to be honest. Here you have told the crowd everything as it is, I also tried once, but I don't need it for people like us, no more.

Thank you.

A topic for discussion and development for those who are interested. There is a lot to think about and discuss, especially in relation to specific markets.

Thanks to the topicstarter, he explained everything very well. It is clear that market order throw-ins create movement, breakdown of stop levels speeds up the movement and limiters slow it down or even "repulse". Ideally, if you see the real market glass you can accurately enough make entries. The question is where to get the real market stack without expensive access?
In some markets it is realistic to scalp by analyzing the market rate (liquidity) in the dynamics, because it gives an estimation of the active side - the deals of the market. But not for all markets and not for all ways of earning it makes sense. The main thing that the basis remains and each trader encounters problems that are described on this basis and the essence of their solution is also defined on this basis.
I will not speak for the author, but I will add that it is impossible to solve such a system precisely. But for practical purposes it is not needed, an approximate solution is enough. With a certain level of controllable errors.

I agree :) By the way, we can develop this topic - why an approximate solution makes sense and what limitations it imposes.

I think 95-99% of DT users don't understand half of the terms.

By the way, I don't really like/understand the "liquidity to buy" terminology, for example. Why is it separated from buyer's market. Only by the type of market entry?

Well, yes, the organisation of bidding, even with contrivances, boils down to a simple scheme - there are those who offer a deal on their terms and those who agree to them. There are more complex schemes - for example, negotiated ones - but they are less common

I haven't forgotten the letters, formalization is formalization, if you add three more apples to two apples, then technically it is 2+3.

Formalization is the writing of the formula. And the grail is what to do with this formula. But the formula should be viable, not taken from the ceiling.

I don't have a ready solution for the topic of the branch - that's why I offered to discuss it

All right. But what to do with it?

I guess I have to do all the paperwork, submit it and wait for the grant?


A grant to work with plywood. Or Coptic letters. It's a bargain. You can live on it for a while.


It has nothing to do with trading.

You want to want it, that's yours.

If you want to make money, look for something else.


Anyway, I don't know who's getting off on what. Non-counterfeit. - from money, nectr. - like this, ...

But it is the last thing that can be applied to trading. Good luck, onanoteorists - may the money you spend on the internet bring you an orgasm.

I don't make any money on it, but it's a generalization of what you can make money on. If specifically about me, trading is one of my main sources of income. But that's not what this thread is about ;)

P.S. I read your thread, so if you write anything useful I'll be in touch :)


How much luck have you had.......Notes of sarcasm?
1. I told you, trolls shit all over the cloaca, no more intentions, avals told you too, don't you get it?

2. shiza.... I don't answer hypothetical questions, we either discuss reality or nothing. The stock exchange and all markets have become purely speculative, who, what, where is being pumped FOR TRADING is irrelevant at all, and so is forecasting. Imagine you are driving on a winding mountain road, do you anticipate turns or react to them? Trading is reacting, you can throw stones, I don't care, because it works for me.

Not a bit of sarcasm, just respect.

On a mountain road, it can't be very steep either, and if we've done 20 corners, we estimate the average 'steepness' of the corners to bring the speed down to an estimated level.


By the way, what do you think of this approach: you need to separate out the order volumes of intraday traders, medium-term traders and investors.

This is impossible, because all orders in the market are impersonal.

By the way, how about this approach: we need to separately consider the order volumes of intraday traders, mid-term traders and investors.

If someone aims to find out where and who entered/exited the market and when, there are already some solutions through calculation of Bids and Asks and Deltas by special method + filter by size, I use this thing as an aid, just blindly - nothing..... There is an important point that no one takes into account, because no one works with such tools as futprint: there are always situations of extremes.It does not work with such tools as futprint: all the time there are situations at the extremes, when the limiters are filmed in reverse, because on futprint and on the delta and on any volume tracker will be seen as follows: HIGH BAR WITH BIG ASKS, ie on the bar spike asc-volume, and on the next bar..... fall. There wasn't enough strength to absorb all the limiters, and when there is no strength on one side, the price goes into the other! so, no matter how you count the volumes, there is no uniqueness, so without knowing the context and pricing, it's all nonsense! If there is no uniqueness in anything, what is the sense to bother yourself with formalization, if there is no clear formalization, it can be seen on the example of Expert Advisors, thousands of EAs.... I have chosen the discretionary trading without looking for clear, developing my perception and experience.

I have a market maker for SP500, but I don't use it because I'm trading EUR and it does not bring me much money, sometimes obvious situations happen and I can scalp some big ones, but not more. On the Euro, it is probably not realistic at all, there is a medium puff, but over the light speed.

Of course, I mean the futures, not the spot, because the volumes can only be calculated for the futures


I do not have a ready-made solution for the topic of this thread - that is why I suggested it for discussion.
Then let's keep in mind that we are witnesses in the market and events happen without our participation and presence, we always have to investigate what is in the form of figures before they happen, nothing more.