FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 175

2011.07.18:25:28 *White House: President Obama to veto Republican plan on debt
2011.07.18 18:25:02 *White House called Republicans' plan an "empty political statement"
2011.07.18 18:24:24 *White House expressed strong opposition to Republican plan on debt and budget deficit
2011.07.18:25:28 *White House: President Obama to veto Republican plan on debt

They should have Yeltsin in there!
2011.07.18:25:28 *White House: President Obama to veto Republican plan on debt
2011.07.18 18:25:02 *White House calls Republican plan a "hollow political statement"

Can't they reach an agreement? Or are they just trying to put a price on themselves? They should understand how it will affect not only the United States but the rest of the world.

I don't know. I got a turkey showing this.

What do you think?


I don't know. I got a turkey showing this.

What do you think?

All is well )))) Trading according to plan with no deviations ))))

I don't know. I got a turkey showing this.

What do you think?

Maybe it's not making contact... Wipe it off with rubbing alcohol.

I don't know. I got a turkey showing this.

What do you think?

Monday is a hard day. )))


Monday is a hard day. )))

I guess it's not biting.

I'm sorry. Here it is.
