Searching for market patterns - page 93


And who are the pindos? ...

Are you serious? Our American friends.

Who can explain why? We are looking for a pattern :)


Who can explain why? We are looking for a pattern :)

Pindos is a word with a long history, now used to disparagingly refer to US citizens.

The term is derived from Bosnia and Herzegovina. "Pindos" in Serbo-Croatian means "penguins".[1] The point is that U.S. military peacekeepers wore white helmets and white military equipment. The U.S. troops also moved around in full uniform, wearing flak jackets, torches, radios, etc., while shuffling funny from foot to foot, like penguins.[1] On entering the army, recruits sign a contract stating that if they are wounded without full uniforms they will not be paid insurance benefits.[1]

Around this time, the word "pindos" gained popularity and in modern Russian slang is used not only to refer to US servicemen, but also to any American. Also, "Pindosia", "Pindostan"[2](alternatively "United States of Pindostan", or "USP" for short), or "Pindustan" in Russia has sometimes come to refer to the US. The word "pindos", according to some media outlets, is offensive; more acceptable "politically correct" variants are "yankee", "gringo".


Everyone rushed to buy ... sad, girls.


Andrei, have you tried serving in the army?

My variant: Pendos - from a distorted Spanish-Latin American (mostly Colombian) pendejo - (vulg) - 1. Pelo que nace en el pubis y en las ingles, literally - "pubic hair" or so. The second meaning is a person who has a promiscuous sexual life, or even cooler - in relation to Americans - estUpido - dumbass.
But it was hard to find, only available in the complete Spanish explanatory dictionary Santillana of the Royal Spanish Academy.

Excerpts from a Russian-Japanese phrasebook, absolutely seriously, it says so: baka - stupid, idiot gaijin - foreigner, baka gaijin - American.

Regularities not backed up by cash on deposit are not regularities.

Everyone rushed to buy ... sad, girls.

I keep getting buys b/c it's all coming off, but I think I've jumped on the train. Let's see (s)

I'm at 1.3189 in baja ))))

...My variant: pendos - from a distorted Spanish-Latin American (mostly Colombia) pendejo - (vulg) - 1. Pelo que nace en el pubis y en las ingles, literally - "pubic hair" or so. The second meaning is a person who has a promiscuous sexual life, or even cooler - in relation to Americans - estUpido - dumbass.

But it was difficult to find, there is only in the complete explanatory dictionary of the Santillana Spanish publishing house of the Royal Spanish Academy.

Excerpts from a Russian-Japanese phrasebook, absolutely seriously, it says so: baka - stupid, idiot gaijin - foreigner, baka gaijin - American.

I'm fascinated. I didn't think they taught avionics so extensively :))
But I haven't heard anything else from Latinos except "gringo".
Please tell me who can:
it's not the first 24 hours I've seen a course reversal at 21:00 terminal time - is this a pattern?
I'm fascinated. I didn't think we were taught so extensively on avionics :))
But I never heard anything other than "gringo" from Latinos.

Not so much broad as deep :) Literally: a hair from an English woman's pubis :)

Totally forgot about the subject: