The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 276


Yes, that's true.

I for one am just watching this thread and wondering when one will realise that one cannot predict price behaviour and will realise that the current factors influencing price behaviour are not and will not be in the public domain.

That's your 'song' right there.

Yes, that's true.

I for one am just watching this thread and wondering when a person will realise that there is no way to predict price behaviour

What makes you say that? Predicting the price is possible.

Trends section

Good moves coming up !!!

Ah, I'm in for a ride!!! ;)

Told you so much about not getting rusty :0)


And you said a lot that you wouldn't prognosticate :0)

In this model, built on the laws of physics, or more precisely, the laws of classical mechanics, decisions to act are made based on analysis of the current state, although the model also includes the possibility of constructing a continuation of the decision. If it makes you feel better, you can call it prediction. But I'm sure that when you talk about forecasting, you can't give not only a mathematical formulation, but also a precise definition of the term.

Forecasting in the mind of the public, is something akin to an announcer from a weather programme. ;)))


In this model, which is based on the laws of physics, or more precisely, the laws of classical mechanics, decisions about action are made based on analysis of the current state, although the model also includes the possibility of constructing a continuation of the decision. If it makes you feel better, you can call it prediction.
But I'm sure that when talking about prediction, you can't give not only a mathematical formulation, but also a precise definition of the term.

Ah, I wish I had your confidence...
Ah, I wish I had your confidence...

Andyou can't give not only a mathematical formulation, but also a precise definition of the term 'prediction'.

Andyou can't give not only a mathematical formulation, but a precise definition of the term "prediction".

Are you just trying to insult me, or are you saying it's impossible to define it?

I can give a dozen definitions, it's one of my favourite pastimes. ;)

But if we are going to have a real conversation, please give us a precise definition of the term "precise definition".


Are you just trying to insult me, or are you saying it's impossible to define it?

I could give you a dozen definitions, it's one of my favourite pastimes ;)

But to talk about it, give us a precise definition of "precise definition", please.

Forecast in the mind of the public is something akin to a weather presenter. ;)))

And I might add: one of my favorite pastimes ;)))))))


Prognosis in the mind of the public, is something akin to an announcer from a "weather forecast" show. ;)))

So? "Public consciousness" - is a slippery category (you certainly don't have a definition).

So it is silly to dispute this statement. However, it does not shed a bit of light on the possibility/impossibility of a reasonable definition of prognosis.


So? "Public consciousness" - A slippery category (you certainly don't have a definition).

So it's silly to dispute this statement. However, it doesn't shed a bit of light on the possibility/impossibility of a reasonable definition of "progoz".

Come on.