[Archive! - page 676



You guys must be stoned out of your minds.)

Are you deliberately avoiding my questions?

I will answer, but a little later when I have a little more time. Right now there is only time for "remarks from the audience".

You can already clear my future posts in absentia on the subject of "extracts from the truth" and so on. There won't be anything relevant to you, for example your slogans like: "We're for fair elections", "EdRo is the party of crooks and thieves", etc. etc.

Of course that's how it's meant to be. It is Putin's fault. He deliberately put people on a bridge so that the bridge would collapse along with them. Isn't it clear yet?

By the way, I have a good attitude towards Putin, there are reasons for that. Medvedev is a different matter, there is no reason to respect him. In four years he has done little useful, more 'outlining his positions'. // IMHO.

Dimitri, keep the avatar after reincarnation. If you will allow, I suggest you a nickname - Heir (you have inherited everything).

Sergei, the avatar was left behind. But "heir" won't do. Inheritance is a controversial thing. Sometimes it is better not to have one. Let them take it to the grave :)


I will reply, but a little later, when I have a little more time. Right now there is only time for "remarks from the audience".

OK, I'll wait.

Your other comments are unnecessary, so I'll leave them out.

C-4: There will be nothing relevant to you there, such as your slogans like: "We are for fair elections", "EdRo is the party of crooks and thieves" etc. etc.

Vasily, stop addressing everyone here at once in your posts. You engage in provocative generalizations and labeling, unacceptable in this forum and greatly warming up the atmosphere of the thread.

It's not the masses of people on the forum that communicate, it's people to each other. Address a specific nickname.

Consider this an official warning from the moderators.


Vasily, stop addressing everyone here at once in your posts. You are engaging in provocative generalizations and labeling, unacceptable in this forum and greatly warming up the atmosphere of the thread.

It's not the masses of people on this forum that communicate, it's people to each other. Address a specific nickname.

o.k. I give the definition of members of the "you" structure. Henceforth I ask everyone to substitute the directive "you" with their preprocessor for this definition.


Vasily, I can cite a specific post.

C-4 10.03.2012 11:21


Well, no one was smart at the rallies, and the slogans look like a cry from the soul, and the fact that in your understanding the people are not free citizens of their country, but the cattle that should stand in the stall is already clear, so why repeat yourself over and over again?

I'm not saying that "our people = boor". Cattle is a condition of society which is incapable of critical judgement, which is incapable of choosing its own life priorities, people in this society are unable, unwilling and afraid to stand up for one another, they need strict, centralized control from above. Such a society has the ideal prerequisites for the creation of a brutal authoritarian regime. And Putin could easily create a regime in our society that would surpass even that of North Korea. Our country had all the prerequisites for this: a wealth of historical experience, Putin's experience as a KGB Chekist, the president's unlimited power, and a pocket parliament ready to change the Russian Constitution at his beck and call, as he wished. If Putin had wanted to, the ashes of those nice, homely people in your pictures would now be sprinkled over the fields of our vast country instead of fertilizer. Just the thought makes you horrified at what could happen even now, but isn't happening just because he doesn't want it to. But if terror comes, no one will care about these nice homely hamsters, because everyone in our society is in it for themselves. All of you, crawl into your warm holes and shiver with fear that somebody will knock on your door and someone will not come home.

But you've been given freedom, you're free to write rubbish on the Internet, you can hold rallies against anything on the weekends, and you sincerely believe that you're living under an authoritarian regime. But you have forgotten your country's history; you have not read, or have not yet understood, what was written by our great Russian writers, whose thoughts anticipated events in our country many years in advance. Therefore, you do not understand multifaceted processes, which are going on now; you do not see the depth of the abyss our society can easily fall into. People like you are justifiably and deservedly compared to hamsters - they are creatures who do not see beyond their noses, are highly susceptible to suggestions from anything, and possess the property of repeatability of their behaviour.

In the second paragraph of your reply it is obvious that you were not referring to IgorM, but to "all of you". Is it now clear what you are doing?

I don't like such insulting generalisations in the style of "you hamsters and I am immeasurably superior to all of you" at all.


Vasily, I can cite a specific post.

In the second paragraph of your reply it is obvious that you were not addressing IgorM, but "all of you". Is it now clear what you are doing?

I don't like such insulting generalisations like "you hamsters and I am immeasurably superior to all of you" at all.

I'm sorry. Of course you're not hamsters. Really overreacted. But it's more a question of misunderstanding than specific wording. As always I didn't mean what you, and specifically you Alexey, understood. As to a question of "labeling", you Alexey also are engaged in it:


You don't understand anything. Go on, go on, speak in poster-officer language that has nothing to do with "classics".

However there is not a single concrete comparison of my words to the official propoganda, and I have not a single post which in one way or another could testify about my sympathy to the official power. In addition, IgorM's rebuke of my ignorance of life is nothing short of a blatant labeling.
You have done the unthinkable, Forex is at your feet, just pick it up. How many clues does it take before you realise that?
Yusuf, can you elaborate on what you mean? What clues are you writing about?
I don't want to get into a muddle of wording, and in the next few posts I will outline a few problems and possible solutions. I hope that many people will then understand why I do not support the movement that has now emerged in the form of our swamp opposition.