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The Great Depression is a recession in the world economy that began in most places in 1929 and lasted until 1939[1]. However, the world was recovering from the depression until 1945 and thus the 1930s are generally considered the Great Depression. In Russian, the term world economic crisis is more commonly used, while the term "Great Depression" is usually used only to refer to the crisis in the USA.

It severely affected the most developed countries, including the US, Canada, the UK, Germany and France, but it also affected other countries. Industrial cities suffered the most, and in some countries construction has virtually come to a halt. Prices of agricultural products fell by 40 to 60 % due to a fall in purchasing power.



By the way, it is the term 'Orange' which is mentioned in the article in relation to processes and figures.

That's just a note about terms.

You're reading it from the wrong end. Or the wrong end.
The Orange is a non-systemic opposition which uses street lawless methods to change the existing government. They use alternative sources of funding, including foreign ones. The systemic opposition operates by legal, parliamentary and close to them methods. It relies on state funding, easily enters into coalitions with the government, and is not averse to licking or defecting on occasion. This is what we are witnessing now.
You are reading it from the wrong end. Or wrong end.
The Orange is a non-systemic opposition which uses non-legal street methods to change the existing government. It uses alternative, including foreign, sources of funding. The systemic opposition operates by legal, parliamentary and close to them methods. It relies on state funding, easily enters into coalitions with the government, and is not averse to licking or defecting on occasion. This is what we are witnessing now.

Convincing, but not persuasive, because the same "system opposition" is financed in exactly the same way from abroad and does not mind resorting to unlawful street methods.



The Great Depression is a recession in the world economy that began in most places in 1929 and lasted until 1939[1]. However, the world was recovering from the depression until 1945 and thus the 1930s are generally considered the Great Depression. In Russian, the term world economic crisis is more commonly used, while the term "Great Depression" is usually used only to refer to the crisis in the USA.

It severely affected the most developed countries, including the US, Canada, the UK, Germany and France, but it also affected other countries. Industrial cities suffered the most, and in some countries construction has virtually come to a halt. Prices of agricultural products fell by 40 to 60 % due to a fall in purchasing power.


The American GULag and Holodomor are not covered.

Against this background, liberals' lamentations about Stalin and Stalinism look like child's play.

I'm a little horse...
The Great Depression

Economic crises are an inevitable part of capitalist society and regularly recur to a greater or lesser extent from century to century. The worst crisis occurred in the 1930s and ended only with the advent of World War II, when the American economy switched to military production and remained in that stage. To this day, weapons are the main American export product, so the U.S. is vitally interested in a perpetual war around the world, otherwise a new Great Depression could plunge the whole country into disaster again.


"The real famine was not in the USSR, but in the US!" Sensational data on the millions who starved to death during the American Great Depression

Russian historians claim that during the Great Depression which raged in the United States in the 1930s, some 5 million American citizens starved to death. The official site of the CPRF has already written about this problem, in particular about the suppression by tanks of a 30,000-strong march on Washington by hungry World War I veterans in 1932 (Well-known Russian historian Y.V.Yemelyanov: What kind of democracy will the US promote, and which monument should be erected in Washington in 2007).



System opposition, or there will be no winter! :)



CPRF and LDPR call Bolotnaya rallies "orange leprosy"


Zyuganov insists that the Duma election was falsified on a large scale. The Communist leader said he submitted "57 pages of complaints" to all the authorities, the Kommersant newspaper wrote on Wednesday, December 14. With so many complaints, he said, the election "is illegitimate from either a moral or an ethical point of view." Zyuganov added that the CPRF "won almost everywhere against United Russia," which "did not have more than 30 percent."


Zyuganov's statements sound particularly poignant considering that the rally on Bolotnaya Square on December 10 was attended by official representatives of the Communists - Andrei Klychkov, head of the Communist Party faction in the Moscow City Duma, and Alexander Yushchenko, head of the Communist Party's press service.

The Communists participating in the demonstration chanted slogans calling for the resignation of Vladimir Churov, chairman of the RF Central Election Commission.

Meanwhile, the Communist Party posted a video calling on Russians to take part in the December 18 protest "against election rigging and the persecution of civic activists," which will take place at 12:30 Moscow time on Lubyanka Square.

Inviting participation in the demonstration, Zyuganov said that PARNAS party leaders Boris Nemtsov and Mikhail Kasyanov, one of the organizers of the Bolotnaya Square protest, "are rallying at the behest of their masters."

Read more: http: //top.rbc.ru/politics/14/12/2011/629757.shtml


"Save yourself and thousands around you will be saved".

And also think about the final outcome of these coups.

There are a lot of examples in recent years.

And all of them are not happy.

But the Maidauns do not see it.

You cannot explain it to the Maidauns.

This is all understandable. But what exactly is Micah supposed to do? Try to do something or continue to live in what you have been scaring the Belarusians with lately? Or, as he has already said, just get out of the country and the hell with his homeland, he will find another, prettier and younger one?

Some people here support Prokhorov, don't they have enough of these to live happily ever after?

Power and money - 2011 2010. Ranking of officials 12.09.2011
Forbes publishes its second ranking of officials, deputies, senators and heads of state corporations, ranked according to family income in 2010.

Poll: Do you think Russia is a resource colony?
