Warning! Your topic will definitely be deleted if... - page 9

Any suggestions? If characters are isolated in their branches, is there less harm?

That's beyond our expertise. Only ignore, and let those characters isolate themselves in their own branches.

how about this

local long-timers are given the right to moderate their own thread or threads ....


how about this

local long-timers are given the right to moderate their own thread or threads ....

Another bias - you have the wrong direction from the start.
biased towards what
FLET: maybe so

Local long-timers are given the right to moderate their own thread or threads ....

That makes more sense. But that's not going to happen either. The administration says it would require a major redesign of the forum engine.

This is out of our hands. Just ignore, and let those characters isolate themselves in their own threads.

Yeah. And in the rules: for communicating with a boorish fludospammer, as an accomplice to the villain - ban.

The experienced know that the most effective and most difficult thing to do is not to respond, to ignore. Maybe a ban would help? Reply, snap back, send a message, reprimand the troll, ban him!


Just kidding, I guess... )))

That would make more sense. But it won't be. Administration says that this will require a major redesign of the forum engine.

Nothing makes sense, there are no forums where users can moderate posts of others - then the sense in the communication? Vasya is offended at Petr and will cut Petr's posts instead of ignoring them, so why don't they just send him to a free forum and let him communicate with himself )))).

SZZ: as for the subject - we need a "smoking room" - where to throw over empty topics, there let people on the same interests to floot


This isn't the first time I've seen threads created that should have been unreservedly deleted. I suggest that all those who wish to do so write down the rules here, violation of which will lead to the unconditional deletion of the topic already created. It really wants to clean the forum from junk and at the same time prevent its appearance in the future. Let's get started.

The reasons why your topic will be deleted mercilessly:

1. Inadequate name of the topic, which does not reflect the essence of the question;
2. Topics in which no line of code, which tried to write the author of the topic, but asks (read requires) solutions or wants to get ready-made solution;
3. Topics in which involved hooliganism, insults. Even if something important was discussed in the thread.


To see what a cholivar is, click here

4. The thread title, as well as the starter's first post, is fundamentally inconsistent with the theme of the forum and does not lend itself to classification into Humor, music, smoking room and the like, which have long existed on the forum and have proven themselves to be a "attention switch", in other words when the starter tries to flub and start a Global Branch like "Nibiru" and similar perhaps from the forums of astronauts, astronomers, etc.etc. and figuring out other secrets of the court of Madrid and tales of the Vienna woods.
biased towards what

... different treatment of "local long-timers" and "newcomers", all were (and maybe some are) newcomers, they happen to be on the subject too, the basic approaches should be the same for both.

And even more so, by one of them - to make edits - not of course.


Nothing is more logical, there are no forums where users can moderate each other's posts - what's the point in such a discussion? Vasya is offended at Petr and will cut Petr's posts instead of ignoring them, or maybe he should send him to a free host, let him build a forum and communicate with himself )))).

SZZ: as for the sabotage - we need a "henhouse" - where to move the empty threads, there let people on the same interests flood

This is closer to the subject, but he needs to "sharpen up" (elaborate) and maybe go ahead.