Conversation with a trader - page 25


Is there a difference?

It seemed to me that there and there one point always equals one point, by the way Slava, I have been wondering why there is a 5 mark and a 4 mark?

I think that before using 5 digits you should work on the accuracy of orders execution... instead of boasting about the accuracy of the display... of what is often far from accurate...

Don't rush around like a beaver without a weir and correct your posts, you show us fractions of a point on 5-digit quotes

You don't have to rush around like a beaver without a dam and correct your posts, just show me fractions of a pip on 5-digit quotes...
why are you picking on me? i already said i don't have access to such a stream of quotes... like most of the people here... but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist ... the issue of gradations and price discretization is best discussed not with me but with any of the trading pros ... i.e. someone who works directly on the exchange and not in internet trading...with doc....
why are you picking on me? i already said i don't have access to that kind of quote stream...neither do most of us here... but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist ... the issue of gradations and price discretization is best discussed not with me but with any of the trading pros ... i.e. someone who works directly on the exchange and not in internet trading...with doc....
But the stock exchange is not forex, or forex is a stock exchange?
But the stock exchange is not forex, or is forex a stock exchange, or did I miss something?
But banks trade with each other ... so let those who want to know more about interbank trading look for people who directly participate in the trading ... or just at any professional exchange with rich and dense stream of quotes ... and where the point or pip is defined as a minimum unit of money and not as a given price difference or even as a fraction of this minimum unit ...
But banks trade with each other ... so let those who want to know more about interbank trading look for people who directly participate in this trading ... or just at any professional exchange with rich and dense stream of quotes ... and where the pip or pip is defined as a minimum unit of money and not as a given price difference
if so, it's understandable, but if not, how?
But banks trade with each other... so let those who want to know more about interbank trading look for people directly involved in this trading... or just at any professional exchange where there is also a rich and dense stream of quotes...
So you spent half a day talking about how banks trade, how half a pips share.... about liquid ticks.... about exchange rates... - so you were the one making it all up...(good for you - you can go to HLC)
So you spent half a day talking about how banks trade, how they split half a pips.... about liquid ticks.... about exchange rates... - so you made it all up...
i know a lot about it ... unlike some, i have talked to people who trade professionally at the forex market and stock markets... professionally, i do not mean their skills, but their occupation....profession
I just know enough about it... and unlike some people I have talked to people who trade professionally in forex and stock markets. professionally, not in the sense of their skills, but in the sense of their occupation ....profession
Yesterday you told me that forex cannot be a job, that it is roulette. And it can only be a job for a brokerage house. So who were you talking to?
I just know enough about it... unlike some people, I've had conversations with people who trade professionally in forex and stock markets. professionally, not in the sense of their skills, but in the sense of their occupation....
I am confused, is Forex a stock exchange, or what is Forex?