Brain-training tasks related to trading in one way or another. Theorist, game theory, etc. - page 10


Alexei, is it p(AA) to read correctly ? the probability of two tails ( conditional) in a row ? if not, how ?
It is the probability of a series of two consecutive events A

Alexei, is this p(AA) how to read correctly ? the probability of two tails ( conditionally ) in a row? if not, how ?

There is an event with 2 outcomes: A and B (red and black (of course there is no zero in this formulation); heads and tails, etc.).

Consider a sequence of 2 events with independent outcomes. So we have a set of outcomes: AA, AB, BA, BB; and their probabilities: p(AA), p(AB), p(BA), p(BB).

PS. Alexei, I think, will answer afterwards.

p(AA) = p(A)^2

I see, I take it back, but how do you spell the probability of two "tails" in a row ?

I get it, I take it back, but how do you spell the probability of two "tails" in a row?

Shit, that's how you spell it: p(AA)

If the outcomes are independent, then p(AA)=p(A)*p(A)=p(A)^2


I see, I take it back, but how do you spell the probability of two "tails" in a row ?
p(tails tails)
Thank you, I'm off to learn how to terver

Mischek, the probability of AB (first A, then B) would be "more terversely" written as p( B | A ) - i.e. the probability of B given that A has already occurred.

For two consecutive lattices, as p( A | A ).


Mischek, the probability of AB (first A, then B) is "more terversely" likely to be written as p( B | A ) - i.e. the probability of B given that A has already occurred.

For two tails in a row - like p( A | A ).

I'm not arguing, I didn't think about it, but now I've found the holes, I can't get it into my head p(AA)=p(A)*p(A)

Although I may be stuck in my head


I'm not arguing, I hadn't really thought about it, but now I've found the holes, I can't get it down in my head p(AA)=p(A)*p(A)

This formula is only true for events with independent outcomes.

I'm not arguing, I didn't think about it, but now I've found the holes, I can't get it down in my head p(AA)=p(A)*p(A)

Maybe there's something stuck in my head, though.

jammed, that's right... two coin flips, p(A) is the probability of striking the side in one case and p(A) the probability of striking the side in the second flip, respectively, the probability of striking two consecutive times is the product of the probabilities of both outcomes p(AA)=p(A)*p(A)