Brain-training tasks related to trading in one way or another. Theorist, game theory, etc. - page 5


I'm not a casino connoisseur, but I think that in your example, but without doubling the bets, we will catch all the colours that fall out, and the loss on their alternation. And the cycle would end at a given + and start again.

That's the way it is. I stated it in the rules: every time we win, we put the minimum bet on the same colour again
If, under these restrictions, when the maximum losing streak of no more than 8 spins, then in this case, any fool and unequal odds will win martinom, without any manipulation of the colours. It's just a matter of finding a casino that kindly limits losing streaks to its gamblers. And we'll be in the sweet spot.

I once downloaded some book on the internet on the mathematics of roulette. It said that on average the longest series of one colour is 8-9 in a row. A series of alternating colours is just as likely to occur. But then I really didn't like the following. The author claimed that mathematicians have proved that any roulette bet gives away at least 1/27th of one's capital to the casino. This means that on average I have only 27 attempts to walk away with a profit, at the end of which I'll just be left with no money. :(

After reading that book (I don't remember the name of it), I still went to the casino, but I didn't spend much. I still lost everything, no matter what system I tested...


really didn't like the following. The author claimed that, say, mathematicians have proved that with any bet on roulette a man gives away at least 1/27th of his capital to the casino.

Yes. That's right - because of the grain. There was a discussion going on about a roulette that has one grain.

I once downloaded some book on the internet on the mathematics of roulette. It said that on average the longest series of one colour is 8 or 9 in a row. A series of alternating colours is just as likely to occur. But then I really didn't like the following. The author claimed that mathematicians have proved that any roulette bet gives away at least 1/27th of one's capital to the casino. This means that on average I have only 27 attempts to walk away with a profit, at the end of which I'll just be left with no money. :(

After reading that book (I don't remember the name of it), I still went to the casino, but I didn't spend much. I still lost everything, no matter what system I was testing...

(speaking or proving?:)

said or proven?:)

Here's the info

I may have the numbers wrong, but it also says that the casino has a higher chance of winning than the player.

Here's an offline roulette - play around if you're interested.

The file is in swf format. You can open it with a browser (for those who don't know).

roulette.rar  112 kb

I may have got the numbers wrong, but it also says that the casino has a better chance of winning than the player.

Well! Don't confuse your ass with your thumb, i.e. a casino with a charity.

Here's an offline roulette game for you - play it for whoever is interested.
Yaahhhh! Let's quit trading and start playing offline roulette.

Well, duh! Don't confuse the butt with the finger, i.e. the casino with the charity.

We're talking about probabilities of winning. Here's a quote from another website.

It would seem that casinos operate at a loss. In most countries they are obliged to give away as winnings from 80 to 90% of money received (in Russia - 75%, and in the USA - 90%). Moreover, they pay hefty taxes (in Russia, 90% of profits) and spend a lot of money on salaries and external gloss. In many establishments, guests are fed and fed for free, and those who have won a certain amount of money pay for a hotel room. So where does the money come from?

Casino games give their owners an advantage due to the difference between the mathematical expectation and the assigned bet, and the higher the number of games played, the higher the profit. Let's take roulette as an example. In the European version of the game, the casino has an advantage of 2.7% (the American version with an extra zero has an advantage of 5.26%). If a European player has put a hundred dollars on red in 37 games, his theoretical loss would be $100, because the probability of falling out zero in this game at least once is close to one. Clearly, in a real game, things could work out differently, but these values - the theoretical and actual losses - converge with the increasing number of games, which is manifested mathematical advantage of the casino. Here's how casino advantage is calculated for European Roulette with one zero - subtract 36 (payout) from 37 (the number of tiles) and get 1 (casino revenue). To figure out the casino's edge, you need to divide 1 by 37 and multiply by 100% (1/37 x 100% = 2.7%).

The well-known law of large numbers, according to which the more we play a game of chance, the more predictable the total result, works without fail and is the very mathematical basis on which the profits of casino and slot machine owners are based. At the beginning of a gambling day, random fluctuations may cause a casino owner to lose money, but by the end of the day or week or month, when thousands of games are played, the law would take its course and leave the right portion of the players' money in the casino owner's pocket. Usually the casino succeeds even more than the mathematics allow - many players are inexperienced and make unfortunate mistakes. An exception to the general rule is blackjack and poker, where the skill of the player sometimes allows you to gain a small advantage.


Yaah! Let's quit trading and start playing offline roulette.

First of all, nobody's forcing you to. Secondly, I posted it for those who are interested. Third, the robot for what? We put the Expert Advisor and if you want to untie your hands. WANTED!!! :)