EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1348

Will they give me 1.3166 again? I had a buy pending

I bought at 1.3130 in the hope that they would give)))
USDCHF to sell, any thoughts on that? If you draw a trend line on H4, it is crossed down already.

I had another deferral neatly withdrawn.


I have had another deferral neatly withdrawn.

You're a "risky" fellow. Nice going. Congratulations.


I had another deferral neatly withdrawn.

Good if it rolls down now. What if it doesn't? A very risky tactic - averaging without limits.
Валютный мир, накануне ожидающий развязки с португальским размещением, облегченно выдохнул. Размещение оказалось неплохим. Хотя, конечно, могло бы быть и лучше. Но, тем не менее, Португалия показала, что еще в состоянии занимать деньги с рынка, что окрылило поклонников единой валюты. Однако СЕГОДНЯ евро вновь будут испытывать на прочность: размещения предстоят Италии и Испании. И здесь ситуация выглядит сложнее. А, кроме того, в четверг на свое первое заседание в этом году соберется ЕЦБ.


And you are a "risky" fellow. Nice going. Congratulations!

I'm not going for half a depot)))
It's good if it rolls downhill now. And if it doesn't? A very risky tactic - averaging without limits.

Why not? Matte, at the very least, a refill. When it all goes down, which it will this year, then it will harvest. You know how banks borrow from the government and then they're in for a treat. The chocolate is just hot)))
I too am keen to start a ruthless sell off, but let their papers sell off, tell them about the rate.
I really want to start a ruthless sell too, but let their papers sell off, tell them about the rate.

Then there will be a surge immediately, in which direction I do not know, but it will be difficult to jump on the train. The pound bet is in 13 minutes, you can use it as a guide.