EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1092


Is there a divergence in the Eurodollar hourly chart or am I just hallucinating in my sleep?

The divergence has been there since 7am, and the correction has been going on for a long time, if you can say so about this twitch.

The global trend is determined by the weekly and daily trend, hence in the next few months it is necessary to work more sells. I make small and short buys, sells are more serious and longer. I start trying to enter a sell on the third wave of growth, because counter-trend growth often ends in three waves, rather than five. But sometimes an entry is possible only at the beginning of the first trend wave or even at the beginning of the third one, and the price often removes the tails and blows out the boo.


I have a tip that personally always helps me - when opening a small real order against a trend, try opening a large demo order against the trend, in short, do everything wrong, usually very soon everything in your head comes in order :)

this is not advice...this is the road to nowhere...demo to test indices and mts...that's it...

There's been a divergence there since 7am, and a correction has been going on for a while now, if you can say that about this twitch.
ahead of the curve :)
How long should we wait? - Maybe we should wait for a stop. I waited 3 days for dollar/frank before peyrols and waited. I have trades like this hanging with a small minus from time to time and what should I do?

If lots are small let them hang around...just overlap them with larger ones... but these orders usually appear from forecasts))), i.e. it is useful or harmful to make forecasts ... in general, the forecast is a forecast but you have to watch and trade the market ... imho ...

if the lots are small, let them hang around... just overlap them with larger ones... but these orders usually appear from forecasts)))) i.e., a forecast is as useful as it is harmful ... in general, a forecast is a forecast while you should watch and trade the market ... imho ...

If you have any doubts about the effect of these predictions then you should employ them as a tool to prevent losses. Not in the sense that some people think :)))

There has been a divergence there since 7am and a correction has been going on for a long time, if you can say that about this twitch.

I saw it last night, that is why I went to sleep. The main thing is that everyone confirmed that it was not a hallucination, because I had entered the gap unsuccessfully, I wanted to get out of it nicely...

If the lots are small, let them hang around... just overlap them with big ones... But those orders usually appear due to predictions))), i.e. it's good or bad to make predictions ... just follow the market ... i.e...

I am actually testing on real and on demo (just on demo almost all pairs - good statistics). If the analysis says flat then we can try to fix it. In general, the most important thing is that the first lot is the most profitable and the stop +3.4 pips will not be touched or more profitable entry.

If you don't know what's going on with your order, don't look too closely, then don't look too closely... If you don't know what's going on with your order, don't look too closely, then look for erroneous order - look for erroneous order, then don't look too closely.

The prediction and try to find it - by market.

the main thing is not to lose lots. the main thing is pips and growth %.


I am actually testing on real and on demo (just on demo almost all pairs - good statistics). If the analysis says flat then we can try to fix it. In general, the most important thing is that the first lot is the most profitable and the stop +3.4 pips will not be touched or more profitable entry.

All this happens because of violations of the Trading System - I overslept with entry, then shifted the stop, entered for a small entry, then filled it and everything hangs.

I should have gone back to the market and tried to look for it.

The main thing is not to worry about the pips and the growth percentage.

I partly agree... but what do we come to? Psychology again... oversleeping - sit back and smoke - the market won't go away... you don't have to trade every day... etc... If you're ready to trade, you need to create comfortable psychological conditions for the start (if you trade with hands)... that's why I said something about the dangers of predictions... If you traded manually, you may not consider successes at all ... Because the psychological factor is missing ... It's easier to open at least a small loss in the beginning ... It's easier to open at least a small losing reel... the effect will be greater...

i.e. the main thing is the price... as soon as the childish awe of the growth of the deposit is gone - everything starts to work out - or almost...


I saw it last night, so I went to get some sleep. The main thing is that everyone has confirmed that it's not a hallucination, because I got into the lock badly, I want to get out of it nicely...

Do you think you can do it?