Probability, how do you turn it into a pattern ...? - page 13

The purpose of the Monte Carlo method is to gain knowledge about a system, and hence to estimate the probabilistic characteristics of its behaviour, without looking at the system itself, but with only its "output data" - in this case, the results of a series of tests.
MetaDriver писал(а) >>

It's an involuntary reaction. In this case, "megalomania & teacher syndrome."

It happens when a person suppresses some tendency in him/herself, considering it immoral, and seeing someone else, thinks that the other person is wrong by definition, because he/she is obliged to suppress it (the same tendency) in himself/herself due to the same "obvious" moral considerations.

Yes, I quite agree with that. The best test of one's ego is its reaction to another person's ego manifestation. The louder my ego starts shouting "I AM !!!" in response to the other person's "I am !" statement, the more problems my ego has. And the more problems I have with my ego. :-)
And the same goes for all other human "tendencies".

MetaDriver wrote >>

By the way, you are trying to suppress the harassment and spittle-splattering... Fits the same pattern... Don't you think?

Perhaps. That's something to dig into myself, to see what the actual motivations behind my performance were. Thanks, I'll look into it.
But there's another side to it. Don't you think that's your rebuke, too? It's not like I was handing out diagnoses (sort of :-). The point of my statement is quite simple - "why all of a sudden ?". It is a question, not a statement. And I am really interested in it.
Although VictorArt (a unparalleled genius, the author of the General Trading Theory and universal TS constructor, whose megalomania is far superior, while his trading results clearly do not reach) faced criticism in his branch, but it was correct. Nobody slandered him and did not throw manure at him. Even after he said all that he had.
Niroba, on whom now only the lazy are not hanging dogs, walked to his place of honour for 4 years. There was a time when the local community treated him with obvious interest. Except for a few who, despite their critical attitude, still kept themselves in line. It was only after the famous maternal showdown with Sabluk that this modern attitude took shape. And yet his method has not changed.
And in this thread the situation is completely different. From the spot to the carter. And anyone who thinks that I am defending the author has clearly failed to understand anything. Perhaps "leanings" got in the way. :-)
I am interested in the phenomenon itself, its emergence, its causes. In general, it is a sociological question. After all, the community that has formed here is a kind of social structure, in which everyone has his place, status, relations with others. And then suddenly, almost at its very centre, a kind of strange attractor emerges, which draws in a significant number of well-known, educated, authoritative and experienced participants, who otherwise rarely argue with newcomers and dreamers, much less spit.

Maybe it's the title of the thread. It's too much of a scoop.

Or maybe it's a flash mob ? :-)))

alsu писал(а) >>

If you read the article carefully, you will notice that there is a caveat - the coin is normal.
Probability describes our knowledge of the system. If it is zero, then the a priori probability for us as an observer before the first trial is 0.5, even if the coin is actually crooked. But when we toss a coin 10 times and get a certain result, e.g. 10 tails, then we (notice, without looking at the coin itself) can already conclude that with such a probability the coin is crooked and 10 tails is a legitimate result, and with such a probability straight - and 10 tails is just a random outlier of the binomial distribution.

On determining whether a coin is counterfeit is also written on wikipedia: Nothing about the "patterns" of forex, except "quoting" himself, has yet been written by the author.
Yurixx, I agree with you. But... Spent a couple of minutes searching to find out what kind of person came to our forum... Turns out to be a known personality... And scandals everywhere.
Yurixx >>:

И вот вдруг, почти в самом его центре, возникает этакий странный аттрактор, который втягивает существенное количество известных, образованных, авторитетных и опытных участников, которые при прочих условиях редко спорят с новичками и фантазерами, а тем более - плюются.

Springtime? Avitaminosis? Stagnation in your own exertions?

By the way, I thought you wanted to make an indicator of the number of degrees of freedom, have you made progress?
I use the TS tools<br / translate="no"> Algorithm for calculating the probability of an event occurring
Controlled time factor of the expected event
Initial coordinate point of directions
Independent (but integral) elements of TS include the logic of the "Thin Thread" that physically approaches and activates the approaching events, as well as the rules and order of execution of "Virtual Orders".
As a result, I got a completely stable, linearly-balanced model of systemic actions.
It is based on the principle of stabilisation of the balance of given (initial) parameters.
And this is not zombification by pseudoscientific phrases a la "synchrophasotronic metodynamics of synergetic parallelism"?
Candid писал(а) >>

Springtime? Avitaminosis? Stagnation in your own exertions?

By the way, I thought you wanted to make an indicator of the number of degrees of freedom, have you made progress?

Yes, I did. And now I want to. :-)
I decided on the number of degrees of freedom a long time ago. I wanted an indicator to compare it. But, alas, it's a bummer to do it. Here even my own developments are pushed forward by sheer force. Is it spring? Avitaminosis?
Choomazik >>:

Oh, man.
I won't make any more jokes. It's unethical.