Probability, how do you turn it into a pattern ...? - page 3

Stop pouring water, we all know it, and it can be said in 2 words, you show your code or real results over a long period of time.
artikul >>:
Давайте умозрительно проведем через любой ценовой график горизонтальную линию и подумаем - какова вероятность, что цена пересечет ее снизу или сверху, какова вероятность что после пересечения цена вернется обратно или не вернется? ))) И легко получим закономерность равную 50%, потому что метереология - самая точная наука. )))

You are absolutely right, this is the most sustainable trend in the market, .... Stabilization at 50%.

I am exploiting exactly this point, but the logic is also based on time correction, it is by correcting the lifetime of a position that one can achieve a result that tilts the probability in my favour.

The lifetime of an individual order can only be perceived in relation to a basket of orders, within the current cycle.

Yup, a bunch of terms that don't make sense and a screenshot of a no-good withdrawal of dough...
TC how much is it, how to buy it?

Neveteran писал(а) >>

Stabilisation at 50% level

I exploit this very moment

"This moment" cannot be used as it is true at every point in time.

Neveteran >>:

Вы абсолютно правы, это самая устойчивая тенденция в рынке, .... Стабилизация на уровне 50%

Я эксплуатирую именно этот момент, но в основе логики лежит еще и коррекция времени, именно за счет коррекции времени жизни позиции можно достичь результата, который склоняет верояность в мою пользу.

Время жизни отдельного ордера, может восприниматься исключительно относительно корзины ордеров, в рамках текущего цикла.

How would you use said moment to make money on a coin flip?


I read it, I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

lea >>:

"Этот момент" нельзя использовать, т.к. он справедлив в каждый момент времени.

Provided that each moment is equal to the one before or after it. YES!
But if the time in which the orders will be executed is different from each other? (naturally in a period).
More precisely, in the period of the cycle of the given orders.

In addition, exclude positive positions from the cycle, and continue using the elimination method.
The total (specified) profit from a series of orders will arrive before the series of this order finishes its cycle.
Which will definitely absorb the negative remaining positions.
If I understand correctly, the idea is as follows: knowing that all indicators are 50/50 on the average, when the probability deviates significantly from 1/2, we enter the narrowing ... brrrr :-)
In short, we construct a virtual equity on some system, say on the 1st Mask and in case of large profit/loss we start trading on this system, directly or reverse, hoping that in the end the virtual equity will come to 0, as the indicator probability is 50/50. In the case of the Magic, it is not true as the virtual equity will not be stationary and it is not necessary to return to 0. In the other case we need to see.
In general, the idea is cool :-)
Neveteran писал(а) >>

Provided that each moment is equal to the preceding or succeeding moment. >> YES!

>> nonsense!
p.s. Reply to Choomazik's post, we had about the same thing in mind.

Choomazik >>:

Как вы бы использовали названный момент для зарабатывания денег на подбросе монетки?

Player error
