Be careful with demo signal!


Be careful with demo signal! I think you should not copy your real account with a demo signal. Just try it with a demo account.


Be careful with demo signal! I think you should not copy your real account with a demo signal. Just try it with a demo account.

You can't subscribe to a demo signal with a real account. It is against the rules and also is disabled from within MT


You can't subscribe to a demo signal with a real account. It is against the rules and also is disabled from within MT


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This is a real or demo account signal?

Broker: OctaFX-Demo

Attention! Account type mismatch

Leverage: 1:500
Trading Mode: Rea


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This is a real or demo account signal?

Broker: OctaFX-Demo

Attention! Account type mismatch

Leverage: 1:500
Trading Mode: Rea
Sure looks like a demo account to me! Reported to Service Desk. Thanks for reporting
Both signals fixed, both now Demo/Free. Please continue to report any others you come across
Both signals fixed, both now Demo/Free. Please continue to report any others you come across

Check this:

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I think there a same mistake.

Thanks mate, reported and I've asked for an explanation as to why this is happening....