SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 182

"Judge not and ye shall not be judged" (so it seems...)
Why are you always on the cutting edge of the attack?

that's it, we're screwed, you're the last thing we need here...... diving in.......

We're here to do business, we made complaints about the facts, those who are just here, get banned for a week, it's pure rubbish.


Meshack better get banned, I was banned and his provocation was left in place.

What provocation are we talking about? I do not understand.
What's up? Come on, just kidding.
There's a great technique called Ignore Ban. With this technique, I simply don't respond to messages from people who are trying to troll me. And after a while the trolls just fall behind on their own.

Apply it, my advice to you (and some others). Type in "How to deal with 'trolls'" in the search engine, read it. It's very simple, make your life easier and moderators' life easier, and make the forum cleaner.
Ishim: Starting from page. 100.

No nationalities. Where are the nationalities, damn it!

False alarm. Yeah and I'm not really interested in going through a dozen pages of a thread I'm completely indifferent to...


Don't you know that it's a minor, major, major violation of the rules, the word "they", and what you cited is just a minor.

I don't know who you really are, but you're clearly misquoting. One more overreach and you'll go to the bathhouse.

Get technical, you're better at it (I keep repeating myself).

Usedd: meshek better get banned, I got banned, but his provocation was left.

Sorry, but Mishek's sense of humour and perception of the situation is fine. If you attribute his "provocations" to yourself, that's your problem. I don't like your calls for a ban.
There is a great technique called Ignore-ban. According to this technique, I simply do not respond in any way to those who are trying to troll me. And after a while the trolls just fall behind on their own.

Apply it, my advice to you (and some others). Type in "How to deal with 'trolls'" in the search engine, read it. It's very simple, make your life easier and moderators' life easier, and make the forum cleaner.

The method you propose is indeed good and effective, but on one condition.

The condition is simple - the posts must be relevant and meaningful.

Otherwise, except to facilitate their lives no cleanliness can be achieved on the forum.


No nationalities. Where are the nationalities, damn it?!

False alarm. And I'm not really interested in browsing through a dozen pages of a thread I don't care about at all...

As for relevance and meaningfulness, I can suggest another technology "permanent and temporary posts". All posts are broken down by authors into 2 types - permanent and temporary. Temporary ones stay from a few hours to a few days, and then are deleted by the author. Permanent posts stay there indefinitely, for those new to the forum. About half of my posts are considered temporary and I try to delete them after a while.

This hardly makes sense.

Firstly, the meta-quotes are already tired of building up storage capacity without temporary posts).

Secondly, let those who read the forum better have a question "why so-and-so forum user did not express his opinion on the subject", than the question "why he writes here".

Besides the frequent "denial of an opinion always smells bad".

Thirdly "tidy is not where you tidy up, it's where you don't litter".


No nationalities. Where are the nationalities, damn it?!

This is an outrage! We must urgently take action and tell the accused to make sure he mentions any nationalities in his posts. Otherwise, how else can he go to the baths now, the fake Nazi?