You must always set the right purpose/question for the study

I've asked before - has everyone made up their mind about their research questions?

Because the right question is 50% of success.

The impression is that many people do not understand what they are looking for.

And it seems to me that there are not many questions about Forex.

It should be done simply by answering the question - what do I need to know to trade? What don't I know?

What is unclear? I will not become so impudent (even because of the sin :)) ) To say that everything is clear. But nevertheless - there is only a two-dimensional chart.

You're rambunctious again, S. Come on, get on with it, there's nothing to get a grip on.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

You're booing again, S. Come on, get on with the subject, there's nothing to get a grip on.


There's nothing to disclose.

Your interpretation of my words is wrong - I have a very positive attitude 99% of the time.

I'm being completely serious about the questions.

Try answering THIS SIMPLE QUESTION. What do you need to know in order to ask it. Imagine you have a magic wand.

Why are you people so uptight? Be brave - don't be afraid of appearing ridiculous or unreliable. It slows you down moving forward. Loosen up. Don't be afraid to ask stupid questions.

Don't be shy - answer them. I'm just sure it would be very difficult to formulate this question. :))


I personally look for laws that are always enforced.

Here, for example, is one of the laws: "Any trend always corrects by at least 38% (approximately)". I believe that this law always works. But you cannot build a system on this law alone. It is an automated system. In order to build an automatic system you need another law. Then you can easily build a profitable system. At the moment I am looking for a law that would work as the law of universal gravitation.

Where do I start to build an always reliable exchanger? I think, naturally, with laws. That's what I'm looking for now.

I think I figured out how to trade profitably in manual mode a long time ago. The main thing is not to rush and trade at least with medium-term prospects.

I have such a clear question - S, who would you like to make fun of today for a change?

I think the questions are very general. It needs to be more specific. And I think it should start with the words :
If I know ....
And then... then I can. ...

sab1uk писал(а) >>
I have such a clear question - S, who would you like to make fun of today for a change?

Is that the point that you don't know? :)


Вот попробуй ответь на ЭТОТ ПРОСТОЙ ВОПРОС. Что тебе надо такое знать чтобы торговать.

For me, the main objective in creating a TS is to look for market patterns, i.e. when there is a set of certain factors at which the probability of a positive transaction outcome is high. Regularities that have proven themselves over and over again in history. And I believe that these regularities do not disappear - they are eternal as long as the market exists. Only the frequency of their occurrence changes due to the changes in the market properties. Therefore, it is very important to learn to track these regularities. In other words, I'm not trying to find out where the market is going to go at any given moment, but only under certain conditions.

So, SProgrammer, here's a question for you: how do you track patterns in the market? Do you think they exist at all? Or is the market stochastic?!

I believe that by getting answers to these "simple" questions I will be able to get accurate entry/exit and therefore profit.


Figar0' s post from the thread for those who are over----! Reflect...

Figar0 >>:
Рынок последнее время стал очень "хитрый", выявить и использовать закономерности становится все более проблематично. А ведь именно на на это и направлено большинство классических индикаторов. А найти выход из этой ситуации это значит держать рынок за "шары", что вообщем-то не так просто) Кстати использование "новых" подходов как-то всяческих нейро, "нестандартных" логик на длительном периоде тоже ничего не дает. Как показывает время сливают даже системы над разработкой которых работали целые финансовые институты и "отряды" математиков. Ибо как выясняется "рынок носит не рыночный характер") Короче вечный поиск, зато мозг не ржавет )

He meant to say "The market is non-stationary". So, we have to learn how to predict non-stationary processes in the study of market conditions and their characteristics.

SProgrammer, how do you think this can be done?

SProgrammer >> :

Don't be afraid to ask stupid questions.

Can you tell me how to get to the library? :)

Upstairs. Second door on the left.