What was it for?

https://www.mql5.com/ru/users/ssd wonders what he was banned for.
For what, advertising his profitable trade, or something like that.
So maybe the man really wanted to do altruism, who knows.

You should not have been banned.

The thread was quite interesting at the moment, and promises to be useful and instructive in the future.

On several criteria.


Although, these are the kind of retarded 'Minute of Humour' threads .

moderators, for some reason, don't ban.


one has already played the game)))

everyone plays in their own way
Vinin >> :
https://www.mql5.com/ru/users/ssd wonders what he was banned for.

Apparently "trading advisers" in a perverse form. It is unlikely that Rashid was the initiator :))

I've long asked moderators to cover the process, otherwise it's not discipline but a guessing game.

poiskspider >> :
Yeah, for what, for advertising his profitable trade or something.

Actually it's not forbidden to show trading results on the forum.

Must be something else?

Probably he was advertising the brokerage company he mentioned to open his account? It was a no-alternative there and in the title of the topic. Representatives of other brokerage companies could have easily made a leak.


most likely for covert advertising of a well-known DC... There's no getting away from it, a mention in the headline and on almost every page. "I think so, but don't be a sissy !"

wow ! you're up ! It's a shame !

firemast >> :

one has already played)))

>> come on. He'll be in the sauna for a week. Besides, now he has no time to flutter on the forum, because he got a lot of investors, who now have to double their deposits during this very week.

What's the point? - It all makes sense. Trading advisers here is not allowed, but collecting money from suckers why should it be?