acceptable rudeness! :)) - page 6

I stand corrected - those weren't yours either, the ideas were mine

it's a new and unique algorithm for today.

Big ship sails big :) Good luck with the sales.

I hope you won't put it on the demo or the real one, much less show it off. :)



You're wrong, I'll put it on the demo and on the real.



You're wrong, I'll put it on the demo and on the real.

When the cows come home to roost...
What in God's name, Alexander? Let him sell, you can't protect all the suckers...


You shouldn't think so, it's a good advisor for sale.


I would have to spend at least a month for a demo and a real one.


You shouldn't think so, it's a good advisor for sale

What are you talking about? Shall we discuss the criteria of "normality"?

You shouldn't do that, it's a good advisor for sale.

What are you talking about? Shall we discuss the criteria for "normality"?

Don't get bored.
Not bored.
If there's a question mark here, the answer is: bored.
First and foremost, bored of reading. The amount of nonsense has passed the tipping point, and the forum is turning into a sinkhole.

There are no moderators, skeptics engage in ongoing discussions with sellers grails do not hesitate to create 5 threads a day.
Sometimes after reading another thread I want to go and throw up...
First of all, tired of reading. The amount of nonsense has reached a tipping point, the forum is turning into a sinkhole.

There are no moderators, skeptics engage in ongoing discussions with sellers grails, the sellers themselves are not shy to create 5 threads a day.
Sometimes after reading another thread I want to go and throw up...

For example, in the last week I've stopped writing anything at all, the nonsense has become unbearable... I get distracted to read, but even that only takes time, but it's of NO use...
P.S. If this goes on, normal people will leave the forum or stop participating in dialogues...