[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 471



I don't know another country like that.

I don't even know where to tweak, in which part of my beloved and native organism

Oh, that one! A common moron. Just pay attention to his style, the number of punctuation marks, and the way he writes in general.

And this high-ranking infernal clown, by the way, has a pretty good idea of who exactly was "innocently repressed" under Stalin.

He should go to a sanatorium. "With the disappearance of punitive psychiatry, the Soviet intelligentsia was deprived of qualified medical care."

Although that can only be cured with green and a bullet in the head.


And let's add here the torture of the Inquisition, need to add to the bouquet, but somehow all the power of the Soviets and the power of the Soviets, if you look well, then the latrine is not defecating in gold too.

ZS: Nothing personal, just a forum for programmers, not the power-hungry.

That's it. I was wrong. I got angry. The abyss of remorse is as deep as the abyss. Now it's all about hilarity and comic books.


Thanks, I'll have a look.
Thanks, I'll have a look.

Put a basin next to it.

Just in case.

Just in case.


"Chekist. That's some perestroika shit.

Certain audiences swallowed it whole back then.

Just like they do now.

I won't argue - I haven't seen it. I wasn't involved or involved in it.

But everyone's past doesn't smell too good. read Dickens, Jack London...

And then there's the Newrenberg material...

Just someone filming( or quoting) and showing - themselves lovingly written out.

"strangled, strangled..." They're overdoing it.

And it's a pity that this "dog's" nostalgia, some have not lost, but only fosters it...

And disguised.



I won't argue - haven't seen it. haven't been involved or involved.

But everyone's past is not a good smell. read Dickens, Jack London...

And then there's the Newrenberg material...

Just someone filming and showing themselves lovingly writing themselves out.

And it's a pity that this "dogged" nostalgia, some have not lost, but only nurtured...


Usually, people seize one episode and begin to pass it off as an ordinary case.

And people are different: some like to shoot happy moments of their families, and some like to drag out and show the dirtiest rags to people around.

And all kinds of Novodvorsky and Alekseyevs, give them a reason.

I am telling you, they are sick in the head.

I'm going to take a break, have some tea. :)

ZS: nothing personal, just a forum for programmers, not the power-hungry.

Is this OK? What do you need?

The bottom one is good! :)

Put a basin next to it.

Just in case.

Just in case.

A basin is too much.