Making a crowdsourced project on Canvas - page 25

Реter Konow:
I didn't expect you to support my ideas. )) But of course it's not only my ideas. Very well then).

Alan Kay is a very interesting man. I haven't even heard of him before.

You're welcome. The GOP is a closed-minded people. They only see their own sandbox. I am like that myself. That is why it is very useful to adopt a different approach. This is the proverbial sharing of experiences.

s.e. Maybe you should also learn about OOP from the perspective of your approach. I.e. to understand the zen (or squalor) of OOP, you need to express your architecture using classes. Moreover, I emphasize the word "express with OOP", not to replace your vision with the OOP view.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

s.e. Maybe you should learn about OOP from your approach. I.e. to understand the zen (or squalor) of OOP, you need to express your architecture using classes. Moreover, I emphasize the word "express with OOP", not to replace your vision with the OOP-view.

That's a very interesting suggestion. You know, I've thought about it before and came to an unambiguous conclusion: it's impossible to develop and implement my tasks with OOP alone. I do not have enough power. What saves me is my approach and Russian language that makes it easier to navigate in a program and understand the code I've written before. If I used OOP I'd be nowhere near what I've got now.

With OOP I would need a large team. That's for sure.

And the amount of code implementing my mechanisms, but written with OOP, would have been several times (maybe 10 times) larger.
Реter Konow:
And the amount of code implementing my mechanisms, but written with OOP, would be several times (maybe 10 times) larger.
You are wrong here. OOP codes do grow much faster than procedural ones. But this growth lasts only at the beginning of a project, then it starts to slow down and eventually the code base starts to grow even slower than procedural codes.

Реter Konow:


To design and implement my tasks using OOP alone is impossible.

If I used OOP, I wouldn't have anywhere near what I have now.

With OOP I'd need a large team.


All statements are far-fetched. You don't know what would happen if you used OOP, as you simply don't know it. It's strange that you draw any conclusions at all. Conclusions without reason (from nothing) are fictions. :)
Vasiliy Sokolov:
This is where you are wrong. OOP codes do grow much faster than procedural codes. But, this growth continues only in the beginning of the project, then it starts to slow down, and eventually the code base starts to grow even slower than procedural codes.
Perhaps. I've stated my conclusions, which are my opinion. Naturally, I won't be able to verify it.
Anatoli Kazharski:
All statements are far-fetched. You don't know what would happen if you used OOP, because you simply don't know it. It is strange that you draw any conclusions at all. Conclusions without reason (from nothing) are fictions. :)
I'm guessing. Not without foundation. Believe me.
Реter Konow:
Perhaps. I have drawn my own conclusions, which are an opinion. Naturally, I will not be able to verify it.

Conclusions from an opinion. From an opinion can only be questions, the answers to which will allow you to understand, feel, get to know and implement, and then draw conclusions.

And the conclusions from an opinion are... Um... Earth is an infinite plane. These are the conclusions I've come to - I haven't seen it from space and I'm not rolling off the surface anywhere...

Реter Konow:
I'm guessing. Not without reason. Believe me.

Making assumptions and offering to take your word for it in a technical forum is silly, to say the least. Evidence must be given by real tests and results if you want to be taken seriously.

And it's not the first time you've said that. Maybe you have a short memory. That would explain a lot then. )

It's back to trolling again. :)
Artyom Trishkin:

Conclusions from an opinion. Out of an opinion can only be questions, the answers to which will allow you to understand, feel, get to know and implement, and then draw conclusions.

And inferences from an opinion are... um... The Earth is an infinite plane. These are the conclusions I have come to - I have not seen from space and I have not rolled from the surface...

Artem, it turns out the Earth is really flat!Scientifically proven even.


Американец, летя в самолете со строительным уровнем, доказал, что Земля плоская
Американец, летя в самолете со строительным уровнем, доказал, что Земля плоская
  • 2017.05.26
  • Andriy
Американец под псевдонимом D. Marble, который уверен, что Земля плоская, решил доказать свою правоту — с помощью науки! D. Marble рассудил так: если Земля шарообразная, то самолет, летящий на одной высоте, будет вынужден компенсировать изгиб и наклоняться вперед. Чтобы проверить, происходит...