How to pay taxes on forex - page 6


In the case of 'income minus expenses' of 15%, I think you can include the contribution to the deposit as an expense, the main thing is to justify their involvement in the activities of the sole proprietorship.

If you cannot confirm the expenses, the tax will be 20 % (professional tax deduction, Article 221 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

So you do not have to confirm them either.

❶ Как подтвердить расходы по ИП
❶ Как подтвердить расходы по ИП
Для подтверждения расходов индивидуального предпринимательства свяжитесь с налоговой службой по месту жительства и узнайте, какие документы необходимо подготовить. Прежде, чем предоставлять документы о расходах налоговикам, свяжитесь со знакомым юристом и узнайте, можно ли считать ваши расходы оправданными. Также подготовьте документы об...

Foreign brokers definitely won't bother with it.... If only the domestic ones do...

Brokers provide everything, but DCs don't. But, brokers don't give access to forex...

Igor Volodin:

If you cannot prove the expenses, the tax will be 20% (professional tax deduction, Article 221 of the Russian Tax Code).

So you do not have to prove them either.

They are talking about personal income tax, and the individual entrepreneur on the simplified tax system will...
Igor Volodin:

If you cannot prove the expenses, the tax will be 20% (professional tax deduction, Article 221 of the Russian Tax Code).

So you do not have to prove them either.

In that case, it is better to pay 6% on the "income" regime rather than 20% on the "income minus expenses" regime.
Then it is better to pay 6% on "income" rather than 20% on "income minus expenditure".

There is no such rate - 20%! There we are talking about the professional tax deduction for personal income tax (EITI for sole proprietors) - clause 1 of Article 221 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

This means that if IE has not switched to USN, he pays personal income tax from the amount of income reduced by the amount of costs associated with the activities of IE, if IE has no evidence of costs, he is entitled to reduce the EIT by 20% and from the remaining 80% pay personal income tax 13%.

Now, according to recent reports, they finally want to introduce a new type of entrepreneur - self-employed i.e. without employees and with an income not exceeding 3 million, completely tax-free for three years, just register and come out of the shadows as 22 million people of working age are not registered anywhere - nobody knows how and what they live with, a pure Russian phenomenon, just somewhere in servitude on envelopes and handouts and agree to everything, if only some income could be.
Сергей Криушин:
Now, judging by recent reports, finally want to introduce a new kind of entrepreneur - self-employed ie without employees with income not more than 3 million. fully exempt from taxes for three years, just register and come out of the shadows as 22 million people of working age are not registered anywhere - no one knows how and what they live, a pure Russian phenomenon, just somewhere in slavery in the envelopes and handouts and agree to everything, if only some income to be...

In my opinion, this is another nonsense of the lawmakers - because there is no fundamental difference compared to the IE, but the costs of organizing this phenomenon will be considerable.

And the tax will be taken, then, in 3 years...


In my opinion, this is another nonsense of the lawmakers - because there is no fundamental difference compared to the IE, but the costs of organizing this phenomenon will be considerable.

And the tax will be taken, then, in 3 years...

Yes, our bureaucracy knows how to screw up their powers by different bylaws and regulations, it must somehow justify its bloated budget and apparatus, you do not go to them - from the force of 3 people working, the other two hundred do not do shit... it would be interesting to compare with other countries - so to speak, the number of hidden state unemployment... and efficiency...
I would like to hear the process from someone who actually pays taxes on forex. Are there any such people here?

I received a reply from VTB24, when asked how they deal with IEs:

Мы не осуществляем деятельность Форекс-дилера. Операции осуществляемые нашими клиентами в рамках услуги "Международный валютный рынок" ( ) являются конверсионными и осуществляются в соответствии с законом о банках и банковской деятельности на основании генеральной лицензии.

Мы рассматриваем ИП при заключении договора для работы на Международном рынке в качестве физического лица, не имеющего такого статуса, с соответствующим порядком налогообложения.
Потому что в соответствии с п.3 ст.9 закона "О валютном регулировании и валютном контроле" № 173-ФЗ без ограничений физическими лицами могут совершаться сделки купли-продажи валюты не для целей осуществления предпринимательской деятельности.

с уважением,
Прошин Василий
Управляющий директор

It turns out that forex trading, i.e. "buying and selling currency", is not a business activity according to the law.

I.e. one has to pay 13% personal income tax.

Although, perhaps this only applies to VTB24 and other banks, because they work according to the laws on banks. Dealers may be different...

Торговля на международном валютном рынке : ВТБ24
Торговля на международном валютном рынке : ВТБ24
Международный валютный рынок — внебиржевой межбанковский рынок, на котором круглосуточно совершаются сделки по купле-продаже одной безналичной иностранной валюты за другую. От других финансовых рынков международный валютный рынок отличается самым большим объемом торгов (более 4 трлн долларов США в сутки), самой низкой стоимостью проводимых...