FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1088

Rena, you're not the one who should be calling the shots. I haven't heard anything good from you at all.


I don't give a damn about any predictions, I don't depend on them.

Be my guest.

Make a mistake, make a correction, I don't give a shit.

I'm not even going to look whether the forecast was right or wrong. It doesn't matter.

If I said something wrong yesterday, I take it back. Don't hold it against me.

And let's write an EA.

The trading system is by levels.


State asking is like walking up to a stranger on the street and asking how much he earns or how much money he has in his pocket. Is that polite?

I gave the state, though I could have just sent it. What was the purpose of the state? Didn't give you enough good entries? Conclusions made, corrected, I don't give anyone else anything.

Do you know the word "portfolio"?

If you claim to be a professional, then be prepared to be asked to confirm your words with concrete things, i.e. with a statement.

Your resume, so to speak, in short.

I haven't seen your statement or a link to it.

And how much you earn is of no interest to me personally.

Judging by your demagogy, I don't.

Vadim Shishkin:

Do you know the word "portfolio"?

If you claim to be a professional, be prepared for the fact that you may be asked to confirm your words with concrete things, i.e. with a statement.

Your resume, so to speak, in short.

I have not seen your statement or a link to it.

And how much you earn is of no interest to me personally.

Judging by your demagogy, I don't.

Honey, please cut the gaps between the lines. It's not easy to read - this post is half a page long. Don't be like that.

I do not like to show my statements either, let alone talk about whether I am making profit in Forex, let alone how much I am making.

Vadim Shishkin:

Do you know the word "portfolio"?

If you claim to be a professional, be prepared to be asked to back up your claims with concrete things, i.e. a statement.

Your resume, so to speak, in short.

I haven't seen your statement or a link to it.

And how much you earn is of no interest to me personally.

Judging by your demagogy, I don't.

I have no claim to anything, I live off it, and you play at it, that's the difference.

Summary?) No biography?)))

In short, fuck off, you fool))))



In short, fuck off, you fool)))


Dear, please cut the gaps between the lines. Read this is not very - half a page post turned out. Do not do so.


P.S. Googlichrome sometimes "eats up" one space, you can't see it.

And when you click "send" - that's such a mess and it comes for some reason.

In general, it's time to reinstall it, it's not a browser, it's a dump of plugins...

Karputov Vladimir:
And let's write an EA.

The trading system is by levels.

so you've been given a file here... but silence =))) it would be realistic to make an automaton if you could get the levels that are there =)

I'm not claiming anything, I'm living off it and you're playing at it, that's the difference.

Summary?) No biography?)))

In short, fuck off ***, you fool))))

Intellectual, respectful colleague, what else can I say.

New-rena's like you -- two peas in a pod.

Vadim Shishkin:


P.S. Googlichrome sometimes "eats up" one space, you can't see it.

And when you click "send" - that's such a mess and it comes for some reason.

It's time to reinstall it, it's not a browser, it's a dump of plugins...

Your site is commercial - it's for ratings. No need to advertise here.