FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1075


want a million-dollar entrance?
you want a million-dollar entrance?

I don't.

screen it for everyone.

it's up to you...
it's up to you...

Come on, come on, show me.)

it's just that i have different strategies. i described them above.

all the dough is invested.

I'm waiting for the euro to hit either 1.1235 or 1.102 - one of the two...


Which is exactly what I needed to prove!

No Strange's predictions here, Guru started the livantos:

Profitability for the period

Investment periodFor all timeYear6 Mo.3 Mo.1 month.WeekToday
PAMM account profitability-12.8%---7.1%-5.5%-8.8%0%

Profitability for the period

Investment periodFor all timeYear6 Mo.3 Mo.1 month.WeekToday
PAMM account profitability-80.7%-64.8%4.4%41.9%13.5%8.2%-0.38%


In recent days, we have seen oil in a local consolidation on the hourly timeframe. Yesterday our plan was to sell this asset after breaking the key support level of 44.60 - 44.20. As a result, the breakdown did not take place and we remained out of the market. But, we saw a nice growth impulse, which still managed to overcome our indicative "trend reversal" level of 46.20 - 46.50. Today, our trading plan will focus solely on buying.

Key levels for today:

Key levels for today:

- 44.60 - 44.20 - remains a support price range that we have never been able to break - buyers are holding the mark. If this level is broken down, we will see a global reversal of the instrument into a downtrend.

- 45.70 - 45.50 - the support price range, which was formed yesterday as a result of the momentum, is the buyers' control zone. It is beyond this level that locally you can hide your stop orders in case of buying.

Recommendation for today - to buy at slight correction to the marks 46,60 - 46,40, stop order 45,20. Target for this growth is 48.50.

Yuri Ivashchenko,

Director of analytical department of xDirect


In recent days, we have seen oil in a local consolidation on the hourly timeframe. Yesterday our plan was to sell this asset after breaking the key support level of 44.60 - 44.20. As a result, the breakdown did not take place and we remained out of the market. But, we saw a nice growth impulse, which still managed to overcome our indicative "trend reversal" level of 46.20 - 46.50. Today, our trading plan will focus solely on buying.

Key levels for today:

- 44.60 - 44.20 - remains a support price range that we have never been able to break - buyers are holding the mark. If this level is broken down, we will see a global reversal of the instrument into a downtrend.

- 45.70 - 45.50 - the support price range, which was formed yesterday as a result of the momentum, is the buyers' control zone. It is beyond this level that locally you can hide your stop orders in case of buying.

Recommendation for today - to buy at slight correction to the marks 46,60 - 46,40, stop order 45,20. Target for this growth is 48.50.

Yuri Ivashchenko,

Director of analytical department at xDirect

ОПЕК подбросила баррель
ОПЕК подбросила баррель
Страны ОПЕК на неформальной встрече в рамках Международного энергетического форума в Алжире смогли договориться об ограничении добычи нефти. Достигнутые соглашения должны вступить в силу в ноябре. Речь идет о заморозке уровня добычи стран картеля на уровне 32,5 млн баррелей в сутки (при этом собственная квота ОПЕК составляет лишь 30 млн...

Alex, apart from indicators, do you make any sense of this or that price behaviour in your analytics and what will happen to the rouble?

What's the matter? Good news on the dollar and bad news on the yen. The pair with the franc and the yen have to go down. Without the news, there's not much of a move.

You and your predictions have put a quote down altogether)))

It's the third time I've watched it and it's hilarious. )))