FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 967


And I'll be praying for the Audi.

Has everyone bought GBP/USD yet?
Good. Buy.
Thank you, the level of buying has already been discussed 10 times).

Спасибо, уже уровень покупки 10 раз обсуждали.)

Bitch, you don't get it, there's no such thing as all the time back and forth, there comes a time when there's only one way and your 'ts' come up short. Like with the moon now.

Not just an oopsie)))But an opieeeeeeee)))
Not just oops))A opischeeeeeeeeeeee)))

What can I tell you. Evra is in place (limits too), harrier is floundering entry wrote (logger warned of 33.5).

That's what I'm asking, what's the panic. What opiseeeeeee?


What can I tell you. Evra is in place (limits too), harrier is floundering entry wrote (logger warned of 33.5).

That's what I'm asking, what's the panic. What opisteeeeeeeee?

Didn't he warn about 42.50?))

"The biggest problem for a futures trader is getting caught on the bad side of a prolonged move to the limits and not being able to exit their position, this entails quite large losses."


Didn't he warn you about 42.50?))

"The biggest problem for a futures trader is getting caught on the bad side of a prolonged move to the limits and not being able to get out of their position, this entails quite large losses"

You know I'm easily persuaded if you tell me in detail what and how.

I was convinced by my neighbour that devils exist.

But you leave out explanations and direct questions and that's the trouble.


You know, I'm easily persuaded if you tell me in detail what and how.

My neighbour convinced me that devils exist.

But you don't give explanations and direct questions, that's the trouble.

Why convince someone that white is white, these things are simple and do not require explanation. So you're all sitting twiddling your thumbs and the rise of the dollar and the ruble collapse will again come as a surprise to everyone and they will run, tear the hair on their backs and yell why).
Why convince anyone that white is white, these things are simple and require no explanation. You are all sitting here twiddling your thumbs and the rise in the dollar and the collapse of the ruble will again come as a surprise to everyone and they will be running around, tearing their hair out and shouting why).
It is human nature. In Russia they are always surprised that winter came early in December)))