FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 740

RWhere to look?

in today's mail.

This is the last time.

Roman Busarov:
Where? =) link please =)

in today's mail.

This is the last time.

I found the picture we're selling from 0.9719 ?
I found the picture ... so we sell from 0.9719?

Euros were not there))))

If we had read the e-mail, we would have taken the night one and now we would be in the profit again...


Euros were not there))))

Had you read the mail, you would have taken the night and now you would be back in profit...

Did you check the story I sent?
Have you checked on the history I sent you?

I ALWAYS have two working strategies - intraday and CME. That's good enough for me.

So, no, I haven't.


I ALWAYS have two working strategies - intraday and CME. That's enough for me.

So, no, I haven't checked.

Unfortunately, I can't boast of high intelligence.
Unfortunately I can't boast of high intelligence .

The above is the best drawing of Strange I've ever seen. Once a week it counts volume and doesn't bother.

Take that week's last chif report and dig through it until you get those numbers.

The above is the best drawing of Strange I've ever seen. Once a week, it counts volume and doesn't bother.
Everybody counts. Lots of sites do. Who's right? That's the question.
Many sites are counting. Who's right? That's the question.
The right one is the one whose prognosis matches reality.