FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 476


Roman Busarov

Is it a demo? I could earn mountains on the demo, but when I trade on the real, not so much, but never mind, I can open a small account to try and subscribe to these signals?


"Can I open a small account and sign up for these signals to try it out? " - same demo sign up - it's a dive club.

See ))))) Diving club - Batiskaf! )))))))))))


Do you even know what you were talking about or is it just to make a point?

And read the transcription of the word low and headless at least for yourself.

You think I don't know what LOW is?

I have a feeling you didn't understand the meaning that was put into the text either.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Did you think I didn't know what LOW was?

I have a feeling you didn't understand the point of the text either.

It didn't make sense, relative to our topic of "conversation" with the brainless, certainly not.

And if you don't know the meaning of a simple English word, how are you bidding?

All information about bidding is in English.


There was no point there, relative to our topic of 'conversation' with the brainless, for sure.

And if you don't know the meaning of a simple English word, how do you bid?

All information about bidding is in English.

Why do you need English? if you only speak at a celpo, you'll dazzle the public ))))

No point there, relative to our topic of 'conversation' with the brainless, for sure.

And if you don't know the meaning of a simple English word, how do you bid?

All information about bidding is in English.

I will have to clarify the thought.

first - in fact, the person with the nickname Tantrik thus was a compliment, (and i suspect that he understood it) -

i think it was a compliment to Tantrik in that way ( and i suspect he got it ) because that's how the crowds do it - they sell on catches and buy on hauls , it's based on simple information - it's no secret that more than 90% of traders are losing .

As for the other idea, it is not unreasonable.

i also have some sense - being in the market for more than 10 years i have seen many traders who claim to be price forecasters!

because it was rightly said that without monitoring it is like spells, sorcery, magic, hypnosis, Ouija board, etc.!

Yuriy Zaytsev:

I have to clarify the point.

First - in fact the man with the nickname Tantrik thus was complimented that he buys where most sell - this is based on simple information - it's no secret that more than 90% of traders are losing

because that's what the crowds do - they sell on catches and buy on hauls!

And buying on captures and selling on hawks is a real art.

I have been in the market for more than 10 years and have seen many who claim to be price-tellers!

I have seen quite a few of them pretending to be diviners, because it was rightly said that without monitoring it would be like spells, sorcery, magic, hypnosis, spiritus senasa and the like!

I apologize for interfering in this conversation. Do you also think that the eurusd should be bought now? And do you really need to see other people's trades? Isn't it enough that the forecast will come true?
Yuriy Zaytsev:

I will have to clarify the thought.

First - in fact, the person with the nickname Tantrik that way was a compliment, ( and I suspect that he understood it ) - because that's what the crowd does.

i think it was a compliment to Tantrik in that way ( and i suspect he got it ) because that's what the crowds do - they sell on catches and buy on hauls , it's based on simple information - it's no secret that more than 90% of traders lose .

i think that this is a simple information - it's a secret for no one that 90% of traders are losing.

i also have some sense - being in the market for more than 10 years i have seen many traders who claim to be price forecasters!

Because it was rightly said that without monitoring it looks like spells, witchcraft, magic, hypnosis, Ouija board, etc.!

As for the majority of traders , they cannot lose for years, no one has that much money. 90% of those who have entered the market relatively recently probably lose. Where Tantric buys and sells, he sells and buys at random, he has been losing for eight years, he probably has enough money. Your own account? )))) You have to monitor the market situation,

As you call it a "monitoring" something absolutely useless for trading, it has any value only to the account owner.

Sorry for the intrusion in the conversation. Do you also think that the eurusd should be bought now?

I'm not a predictor, this is a technical website in the first place, but I'm very interested in the thoughts and calculations of those who trade at the moment, especially when they are backed up by reality, let's say in the real world.

Secondly, I'm not a predictor, and this site is primarily technical, but I'm very interested in the thoughts and calculations of those who trade at the moment, especially when they are backed up by reality, like signal monitoring!

But much to my regret I cannot see any good signal in somebody's profile confirming his calculations and words!

Yuriy Zaytsev:

I'm not a predictor, this site is technical in the first place, but I'm very interested in the thoughts and calculations of those who trade at the moment, especially when they are backed up by reality, let's say, in the real world.

Secondly, I'm not a predictor, and this site is primarily technical, but I'm very interested in the thoughts and calculations of those who trade at the moment, especially when they are backed up by reality, like signal monitoring!

But unfortunately I cannot see any good signal in anybody's profile that would confirm his calculations and words!

And how did you conclude then that Tantric is buying at the low?