Scripts: Automatic Posting with WebRequest()


Automatic Posting with WebRequest():

An example of posting a message containing an image on the website using the WebRequest() function. This is an example of how to authorize using a login and a password, and to insert an image into a text message.

Warning: avoid sending too frequent automated requests to web sites, because most of sites block too frequent calls. The site also has protection against too frequent requests, and an error in the code may lead to blocking of your account.

When you start the script, enter your login and password.

#property description "Sample script posting a user message "
#property description "on the wall on"

input string InpLogin   ="";             //Your account
input string InpPassword="";             //Your account password
input string InpFileName="EURUSDM5.png"; //An image in folder MQL5/Files/
input string InpFileType="image/png";    //Correct mime type of the image

Author: MetaQuotes Software Corp.


I am continuously getting the following error. :

2017.04.03 17:06:46.138 webrequest_publicationscript (USDJPY,H1) Error, authorization data not found in the server response (check login/password)

My id and pwd are correct. 


Kindly request you to proved some help on this code. 

This code is not working . I have tried with multiple accounts n multiple systems and multiple internet networks. 

Thank you

Is there anyone get this code working??????????????????? Please help
Arnold Garth:
Is there anyone get this code working??????????????????? Please help
This code is not working anymore, since MQL5 change his security system introducing a token authentification which is impossible to get from outside of the server. I'm also stuck.