Are they bugs or anything else?


When I run the example code "Check_GetPointer.mq5" of the help file ,There are something wrong printed out . How to fix it?

the log message as below:


2010.01.25 16:57:27 Check_Pointer (EURGBP,M1) 32 bytes of leaked memory 

2010.01.25 16:57:27 Check_Pointer (EURGBP,M1) 2 undeleted objects left


Thank you for your message, fixed. Please wait for updates.


Thank you for your message, fixed. Please wait for updates.

These Bugs are still there with build 241.I have rebuilt the code again.


 2010.01.29 00:14:06 Check_Pointer (EURGBP,M30) 36 bytes of leaked memory
2010.01.29 00:14:06 Check_Pointer (EURGBP,M30) 1 undeleted objects left


We have updated the example for fuction GetPointer, see there:

//|                                             Check_GetPointer.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
//|  class implementing the list element                             |
class CItem
   int               m_id;
   string            m_comment;
   CItem*            m_next;
                     CItem() { m_id=0; m_comment=NULL; m_next=NULL; }
                    ~CItem() { Print("Destructor of",m_id,
                                     "dynamic":"non-dynamic"); }
   void              Initialize(int id,string comm) { m_id=id; m_comment=comm; }
   void              PrintMe() { Print(__FUNCTION__,":",m_id,m_comment); }
   int               Identifier() { return(m_id); }
   CItem*            Next() {return(m_next); }
   void              Next(CItem *item) { m_next=item; }
//|  simplest class of the list                                      |
class CMyList
   CItem*            m_items;
                     CMyList() { m_items=NULL; }
                    ~CMyList() { Destroy(); }
    bool             InsertToBegin(CItem* item);

    void             Destroy();
//|  inserting list element at the beginning                         |
bool CMyList::InsertToBegin(CItem* item)
//|  deleting the list by deleting elements                          |
void CMyList::Destroy()
//--- service pointer to work in a loop
   CItem* item;
//--- go through the loop and try to delete dynamic pointers
         Print("Dynamyc object",item.Identifier(),"to be deleted");
         delete (item);
      else Print("Non-dynamic object",item.Identifier(),"cannot be deleted");
//|  Script program start function                                   |
void OnStart()
   CMyList list;
   CItem   items[10];
   CItem*  item;
//--- create and add into the list a dynamic object pointer
   item=new CItem;
//--- add automatic pointers into the list
   for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
//--- add one more dynamic object pointer at the list beginning
   item=new CItem;
//--- delete all the list elements
//--- all the list elements will be deleted after the script is over
//--- see the Experts tab in the terminal


Thanks for reply.