The oil issue ... - page 59

Brent below 27 would like to see. Let's see...
Yes, for the rouble to boom above 100 per $1 - because it has not gone down enough it needs to catch up to 150, then everything will be fine...))

My view has not changed at all (Light Cude oil is considered)

A little I might add: oil was falling in anticipation of additional Iranian supply. Now there is a reassessment, a search for an equilibrium point.

Cycles can be explained as follows: expensive resources, economy begins to contract, demand for resources falls, price of resources begins to fall, economy begins to revive and demand for resources increases, price of resources increases. And all this happens with a lag of several years. And so long as the resource takes the lead in the industry.

There are two kinds of similar commodities gold and silver. Silver used to be used in film and photo film, now with digital technology this need is no longer present. Silver is growing weaker than gold as some of the demand has gone out of it. It could be the same with other types of commodity markets. There is demand because of economic cycles, and then there are dramatic changes in demand because of technological breakthroughs.



СМИ: Саудовская Аравия не готова сокращать добычу нефти
СМИ: Саудовская Аравия не готова сокращать добычу нефти
ПАРИЖ, 18 февраля. /ТАСС/. Глава МИД Саудовской Аравии Адель аль-Джубейр заявил, что страна не готова сокращать добычу нефти. Об этом сообщило агентство AFP. "Саудовская Аравия пока не готова сократить производство", - заявил министр. 16 февраля в столице Катара Дохе представители...

Once again the oil companies want to establish a conspiracy and monopoly.

How long can we tolerate their monopoly? They must be crushed to the end, until they drown in their oil, until oil costs $5-10%. As of today, the cost is $10.

I am waiting for brent at $10!

Сергей Криушин:
yes, the ruble-bubble should boom above 100 for $1 - because it has not gone down enough it should also go up to 150, then everything will be fine...))
90-95 seems to be the best time, I don't know.
Sergey Chalyshev:

Once again the oil companies want to establish a conspiracy and monopoly.

How long can we tolerate their monopoly? They must be crushed to the end, until they drown in their oil, until oil costs $5-10%. As of today, the cost is $10.

Looking forward to brent at $10!

They'll dump competitors and you'll get a barrel for $200, or even more. The fewer competitors, the easier it is to bend prices.

In the US about 2/3 of the shale producers have shut down and some are already selling produced oil at a negative price, i.e. agreeing to pay to take it out as if it were rubbish. Because it is too expensive to distill such dirty oil when clean Libyan oil can be bought for pennies. It is also expensive to store, because it costs a lot of money to rent space for storage facilities + maintenance.

So now is the time to enter into oil contracts through options. If you get in, you won't get more than a premium. And if the price goes up, you can speculate a lot.


The oil price is somehow more or less defined now - the price breaks through the Senkou Span line with a possible entry into a primary uptrend. The news is not saying it yet ... probably afraid of jinxing it ... They usually write about intraday price movements, like "the price jumped" :) (by the way, the literal translation of English technical analysis terms looks funny ... rbc channel for example - the lady with the pointer ... "and the price jumped, pushed off by ..." ).

But here we can already talk about a daily reversal to an upward movement. True, in the long term the uptrend reversal level is somewhere around 54 (and not 36.94), but in the medium term the level of 36/37 is the beginning of the daily bullish trend.

By the way, the ruble is getting stronger on the daily chart, and the daily bar has already opened below the Ichimoku cloud, and if the price crosses the 72.00 level from above (according to the closed daily bar), the process of strengthening the ruble will enter a long (in time, probably years) but long term (constant) phase.


The daily oilprice is now inside the Ichimoku cloud, testing the reversal bullish resistance level of 36.94, which, if broken from below, will reverse the price movement from a multidirectional downtrend to a primary upward one, with 38.93 as the next upward target.

  • If the price breaks through the key resistance level 36.94 on the closed D1 bar, it will signal the reversal of the price movement to the primary uptrend.
  • If the price breaks through the support level of 32.33 on the closed D1 bar, the primary downtrend will continue, but without a divergent trend component - the price will exit the Ichimoku cloud into the area of the primary downtrend.
  • If not, it will continue to move in different directions in a channel between 36.94 and 32.33.
Resistance levels
Support levels
Цены на нефть научились предсказывать с помощью эволюции
Цены на нефть научились предсказывать с помощью эволюции
  • 2016.03.02
Исследователи из Плимутского университета (Великобритания) впервые использовали для анализа тенденций изменения нефтяных цен генетические алгоритмы. Выяснилось, что этот метод даёт существенно более точное предсказание, чем другие способы прогнозирования цен (авторегрессия и нейросети) или классические модели предсказания, опиравшиеся на...
Oil everything ! remember this message .... target 20
Oil everything ! remember this message .... target 20

Remember for the sake of history.

But a goal without specifying the maximum setback before it is reached and without specifying a deadline for reaching it is just a flop. You need, roughly speaking, SL. Otherwise you can wait 20 years for that goal (to sit on a loss).