The oil issue ... - page 11

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

why not renew).

there is the water cycle, maybe there is also the oil cycle.

the planet earth is a closed ecosystem, whatever goes there stays there.

i think the mechanisms for producing oil should be developed over years )

HH: its role for humans is clear, its role in nature is not clear (if you do not look at humans as part of nature).

There is a theory to pollute the atmosphere, in periods of glaciation, to retain heat. I read somewhere that if you pollute Mars with emissions, there will be an atmosphere there.

IMHO the fall in the price of oil is related to the dollar bubble in the world in no other way. Unrestricted dollar issuance inflates the global bubble, and the unreasonable appreciation of the dollar forces other countries to defend themselves and devalue their currencies in order to curb their budgets. The diversion of goods and oil outside the US market will not make things too difficult, but for the states the process may prove to be a more serious crisis phenomenon. US expensive products will become less accessible to the rest of the world. One lucrative commodity will remain: cut paper. It is hard to say how long the world economy will hold out in such a state, it has a certain margin of safety for many years, but in this scenario it will definitely slide into hyperinflation.

Oil in the world as well as buckwheat in Russia is an indicator of the state of the economy and a predictor of crisis in the world. The price of oil will be sensitive to the state of the world economy. Poorer nations in dollar terms will consume less products from the states and oil as well. Everything is interconnected. There is already a single market on the planet. The price of oil has already fallen. Expect a serious global consumption crisis soon.

I do not expect black gold prices to rise any time soon, until inflation rises or possible serious conflicts, which at the moment is not unlikely.


IMHO the fall in the price of oil is related to the dollar bubble in the world in no other way. Unrestricted dollar issuance inflates the global bubble and the unreasonable appreciation of the dollar forces other countries to defend themselves and devalue their currencies in order to curb their budgets. The diversion of goods and oil outside the US market will not make things too difficult, but for the states the process may prove to be a more serious crisis phenomenon. US expensive products will become less accessible to the rest of the world. One lucrative commodity will remain: cut paper. It is hard to say how long the world economy will hold out in such a state, it has a certain margin of safety for many years, but in this scenario it will definitely slide into hyperinflation.

Oil in the world as well as buckwheat in Russia is an indicator of the state of the economy and a predictor of crisis in the world. The price of oil will be sensitive to the state of the world economy. Poorer nations in dollar terms will consume less products from the states and oil as well. Everything is interconnected. There is already a single market on the planet. The price of oil has already fallen. Expect a serious global consumption crisis soon.

I don't expect black gold prices to rise any time soon, until inflation rises or possible serious conflicts, which at the moment is not unlikely.

Unlimited dollar issuance and unwarranted dollar appreciation, dollar appreciation forces other countries to devalue their currencies, which are already devalued by dollar appreciation.....

It's all mixed up


Unrestricted dollar issuance and unjustified dollar appreciation, dollar appreciation forces other countries to devalue their currencies, which are already devalued by dollar appreciation.....

It's all mixed up

Yes, such a paradox. There's nowhere to go. It's called manipulation. And I say successful for the time being.
Yes, that's the paradox. There's no way around it. It's called manipulation. And I say successful for the time being.

It's all called chatterboxing.


It's all called chatterboxing.

Can you tell me how many dollars the average Russian keeps?

This forum is a place for chit-chat.

Can you tell me how many dollars the average Russian keeps?
No. Why should he?
No. Why?
Roughly. Or according to your own pocket.
Approximately. Or your own pocket.
No. Why?
No. Why?

You are like a Jew. Why do you ask?

Answer and you'll find out.
