Metatrader 6: New features - page 4

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

He's always looking for an excuse to stay in the limelight :)

He thinks this way he will raise the sales of his products.

To avoid a wave of attacks, let me explain: one of the users asked the same question in various threads. In this one too. All his duplicate questions were deleted. But at the same time, each of the threads in which his posts were deleted popped up in the top.

So there is no malice here. Please don't inflame the situation - a person saw a topic in the top and went to it. And there is nothing new in it (the new post has been deleted). So he wrote his confusion. There is no crime here, and I hope it is clear.

It would be better if they made a normal grid... It was not there in MT4 and it looks like we won't see it in MT6...
The main thing is to have a point (the point is if you unwrap the candy and there is a candy in it in addition to marketing)
Artyom Trishkin:

...there's no crime here, and I hope that's clear.

There is no crime, but I ask you, would a normal developer on his site will write such a complaint?

Allegedly I am his customer.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

There's no crime here, but you have to ask yourself, would a normal developer write such a complaint on his website?

Allegedly I'm his customer.

You're so annoying, I put you on my blacklist.

I'm not usually evil. But sometimes I forget who is normal and who is not adequate behavior.

Why: I did not write any insults, I wrote that you are constantly rude to me and jealous.

And here you are as a "normal" developer constantly insulting me.

Removed the topic.

Do not get involved in your posts, mind your own business. I do not need you to teach me how to work.
Petros Shatakhtsyan:

There's no crime here, but you have to ask yourself, would a normal developer write such a complaint on his website?

Allegedly I'm his customer.

Wow! Petros, thanks for the publicity, because I didn't even know that Vladon has a site!

I'll go see what he's got there.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Wow! Petros, thanks for the advert, I didn't know Vladon had a website!

I'll go and see what he's got there.

Yeah, and I'm on the outside as usual.

Vladislav Andruschenko:

Yeah, and I'm on the outside as usual.

You're advertising your products again! .... but that's not accurate


Petros Shatakhtsyan:

There's no crime here, but you have to ask yourself, would a normal developer write such a complaint on his website?

Allegedly I'm his customer.

These are dirty methods. I would run from such a developer ahead of the hairdo. It's a stupid and shortsighted move to sling mud at your site.
Vladislav Andruschenko:

I'm not usually evil.

I'm just mean and have a good memory)))