FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 566

Rena's equity is also going up now with sales from 1.5550...

Let's talk about drinking, there's no point in discussing others - it's boring...

5,700, 5,695, 3,871.

and now this:

I don't drink, so I can't listen to their 'thoughts' in peace)
You need to be firmly aware of why not to drink.
Even though they can be clever, it's all the same.
Did you mention 58?

Let's talk about drinking, it's a bore to talk about others...

5,700, 5,695, 3,871.

and now this:

So, what's next? We have to salt it!
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
So what's been thrown in and what's next? We have to salt it!

to buy eurymania:

Did you say 58?
Why? won't it be?
Why? Won't he?

He will, only he doesn't know it.

Not to drink what for, one sh... They sell bad quality drinks))))))))))))))) and there's no one to talk to and no desire to do so.

They say to him, 'think where to buy a pound, but he runs around the field, grabs a couple of pips and drags - look, and the fact that there were twice as many of them when I bought it, it's bullshit.

why? won't there be any?

I don't care...

what's up with the carp?
