FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1912


they are not mine...

then CUccL, without pricing, average asset price, filleting, hedging and other nonsense, told me where he wanted the price to be...

and, most importantly, it will be there...

And it's true! And I have Murray with pivots and San Sanych.

My dear, you forget what I wrote when I came here.

And I wrote that I had been observing those present for some time.

So there you have it. Your "hedging" is reduced to buying euros and selling them above, you do so solely because of your limited knowledge of trading terminals, and your knowledge of trading terminals is limited to Metatrader 4, the only one where you can sell and buy the same euro at the same time. You have only heard about the market and brokers, but you have never seen them or even know what they mean.

So do not strain your brain, have a rest.

Then you are also blind, if you have followed and have not followed!

Stupid, blind, unmemorable.


You've been bickering for half a day, here from hedge? For the advanced, type the word into any search engine...

For the lazy:Hedging - what it is in simple terms. So, let's sort it out. This word came to us from England (hedge), and directly means fence, and as a verb it is used in the meaning of "protect", that is, try to reduce potential losses or avoid them altogether. And what is hedging in the modern world? We can say that it is an agreement between buyer and seller that transaction terms will not change in the future, and goods will be sold at a certain (fixed) price. Thus, by knowing in advance the exact price at which the product will be purchased, the parties to the transaction insure their risks against the likely fluctuations in exchange rates on the foreign exchange market, and consequently, against changes in the market price of the product. Market participants who hedge transactions, i.e., hedge their risks, are called hedgers.-Read more on

Accordingly - originally, it was not a way to make money, but only to protect.


What matters here is not the ratio of volumes, but their correlation. Correlation is rigidly set due to the presence of arbitrage. If the price goes up in the spot, then the price should be moved up in the future with the proportional volume. And nothing else.

I see no point in proving it, I use it.

When I first read it, I thought someone who is against futures analysis had written it... I looked at the author and marvelled!!! Captain, do you think that futures are a derivative of spot?

Or did I misunderstand you again, or are you just messing with the community's head again?



What waves?

it's winter, our Volga is down too...

Ilyukha, don't give in to these verbals...

I can get on your nerves, but only because our Volga's down too... almost...

Что такое хеджирование простыми словами? Пример хеджирования. Валютное хеджирование
Что такое хеджирование простыми словами? Пример хеджирования. Валютное хеджирование
  • 2015.05.08
  • Ав. Галина Кислинская
В современной экономической терминологии можно встретить много красивых, но непонятных слов. К примеру, «хеджирование». Что это? Простыми словами на этот вопрос сможет ответить не каждый. Однако при ближайшем рассмотрении оказывается, что таким термином можно определить страхование рыночных операций, правда, немного специфическое. Хеджирование...
Do you not understand the meaning of what you have written? It was suggested that you look for his description of the inner workings of getting quotes, darkpools and banks. I'm sorry you're having trouble interpreting what you read.
I have a quick look at what he described, it's good for general development if you have nothing better to do.

What matters here is not the ratio of volumes, but their correlation. The correlation is rigid because of arbitrage. Think about it logically - if the spot price goes up, then the futures price should also go up with a proportional volume. And nothing else.

I see no point in proving it, I use it.

You don't have to prove anything, just say it.

You've been bickering for half a day here, is this from hedge? For the advanced, type the word into any search engine...

For the lazy:Hedging - what it is in simple terms. So, let's sort it out. This word came to us from England (hedge), and directly means fence, and as a verb it is used in the meaning of "protect", that is, try to reduce potential losses or avoid them altogether. And what is hedging in the modern world? We can say that it is an agreement between buyer and seller that transaction terms will not change in the future, and goods will be sold at a certain (fixed) price. Thus, by knowing in advance the exact price at which the product will be purchased, the parties to the transaction insure their risks against the likely fluctuations in exchange rates on the foreign exchange market, and consequently, against changes in the market price of the product. Market participants who hedge transactions, i.e., hedge their risks, are called hedgers.-Read more on

Accordingly - originally, it was not a way to make money, but only to protect.

When I first read it, I thought that someone from the opponents of fyuchev analysis had written it... I looked at the author and marvelled!!! Captain, do you think that futures are a derivative of spots?

Or did I misunderstand you again, or are you just messing with the community's head again?

Ilyukha, don't give in to these verbalists...

I can get at you, but only on business, because our Volga's down too... almost...

That's exactly what it is.
Alexey Busygin:

Then you're also blind if you follow and don't track!

Stupid, blind, unmemorable.

This worm crawled in for lunch.
This worm crawled in for lunch.

This worm doesn't have the guts to eat!

I look at him now and he does not know who to grease, then to vng_nemo or to Nestradamus

One agrees with one, reads the other, changes his message agrees with the other.

In a word, a weather vane!


When I first read it, I thought it was someone opposed to the analysis of the füche... I looked at the author and marvelled!!! Captain, do you think that futures are a derivative of spot?

Or did I misunderstand you again, or are you just messing with the community's head again?

Did I ever say otherwise? Our argument was about volumes, you argued that the futures volumes are impossible to work with - they don't match the spot volumes. I argued that they have a strong direct correlation, which allows you to work on spot futures volumes. You think my statement is ridiculous, I think yours is ridiculous, and the market will decide which of us is right.

You mentioned correlation suspiciously a lot today. Correlation of what with what really helps you make money or your money in video courses?