FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1629


Pound long term assumption

Alexey Busygin:
Here's a childish question! What's a broker's channel equal to 99 and 199 pips?

Gentleman, you're not competing with me "in childish questions". I asked it because there really are some strange things and it seemed to me that it is not only me who cannot understand.

And about the points of the broker tell me. I would be grateful.


You are not competing with me "in childish questions". I asked it because there really are some misunderstandings and it seemed to me that it is not only my misunderstanding.

And about the points of the broker tell me. I would be grateful.

I wanted to know your opinion. And you do not know!
Alexey Busygin:
I wanted your opinion. And you don't know!
I don't know, I guess I don't need it, but I would read it with interest as other people's experiences are always interesting.

I anticipate the market opening on Monday morning like this...

How will it open if it doesn't...

It already opened, now the price is like this

As funny as it sounds - if the trend breaks through the Fibo 88.2, I will not make any more trades with the trend.

+funt at short-term reversal levels..... it is clear that it is not an axiom - I watched repeatedly how these levels break

It is clear, it is not axiomatic, I have watched these levels beaten more than once. + near the level 4960 below which I will buy, no matter how much the pair will fall...... I have increasing limits on stops.


I'm waiting for him to move down somewhere.

Bold! I wouldn't just go into sales.

be cautious,

For iIDLERr and anyone interested in gold
Лондонский золотой фиксинг закрыт
Лондонский золотой фиксинг закрыт
  • 2015.11.29
  • Server Muradasilov
Одной из главных финансовых новостей прошедшей недели стало прекращение с 20 марта работы Лондонского золотого фиксинга (London Gold Fix – LGF) – системы фиксации цены на жёлтый металл. Система была...

And this is the ravings of a sick man.

oddly enough, I agree with you there ))