FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1572

Oleg Tsarkov:
In my experience, A-i often allow themselves that, and they move the spreads without any shame. I don't like them...

There's no such thing, but the spreads do.

Unclestranger , where did Ishimka go?

Ishimka has become very bad, he doesn't recognise anyone and talks to himself....

page 1572, second from the bottom...
there is no such thing on my a-i and never has been.

Ishimka has gone bad, doesn't recognise anyone and talks to himself....

(Quote:"But allow me, how didhe serve inthe purification?" M. Bulgakov: A Dog's Heart). You mean he was running PAMM?)))))
there's no such thing on my a-and.
Stiletto, only at his broker's.
Thank you!)))
Is this a new courtesy trick?
Alexey Busygin:
What's this, a new courtesy trick?
Yes... O Teacher of the Second Class!))
I have nowhere to be)
and mine stayed at the passport office in Kiowa...
So torn up his claws that he couldn't wait))
and mine stayed at the passport office in Kiowa...
So torn up his claws that he couldn't wait)).
A dude lived in Crimea... never got a Ukrainian passport...
Everyone was furious when he went to get a Russian one... with a Soviet passport to get one)))

Ishimka has gone bad, doesn't recognise anyone and talks to himself....

He's old. Took your Ales here for a ride.
No... not right. Give me back my Sensei... in any condition)))
Yes... O Teacher of the second category!))
I've got you all figured out! I only take students, I don't accept undergrads.