FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1399

You can only understand it by reading certain topics. Yusuf, please send us some readings on the subject(we speak different languages).
Теория рынка
Теория рынка
  • 2015.08.19
  • Yousufkhodja Sultonov
До сих пор не существует логически завершенной теории рынка, охватывающей все типы и разновидности рынков товаров и услуг, микро- и макро-рынков, наподобие Форекс. Статья повествует о сущности новой теории рынка, основанной на анализе прибыли, вскрывает закономерности изменения текущей цены, а также выявляет принцип работы механизма, позволяющего цене находить наиболее оптимальное свое значение путем образования цепи виртуальных цен, способных вырабатывать управляющие воздействия на саму цену. Выявлены механизмы образования и смены трендов на рынке.
Server Muradasilov:
It's a hell of a story, we'd like to hear it in our own words, as for the dumb ones...
It's a hell of a thing, we'd rather use our own words, like for dumbasses...
It's no use, you can say it in your own words or in someone else's - it's a zoo no matter how you look at it )))
Server Muradasilov:
Thank you.
Vyacheslav Kurilin:
The pound goes down to 5194. Then it's down.

You're right, son, you're right.)

But if we spike the fillet, son, we'll go to the blue one, but that's if....

It's a hell of a thing, we'd better put it in our own words, like for dumbasses...
The eu as I understand it is definitely not working. Now the easiest thing is to say about the expected growth and quietly take a pose, which is what everyone is doing.
On the eu as I understand it, this theme is definitely not working. The easiest thing to do now is to say about the expected growth and quietly gain a position, which is what everyone is doing.
The growth there is simply 100%, so from 07 to 056 it is possible to gain.
On the eu as I understand it, this theme is definitely not working. The easiest thing to do now is to say that it is expected to rise and quietly take a pose, which is what everyone is doing.
Has the chiff sold slowly? )))
Has the chif sold out slowly? )))
Professor, YOU would enlighten the youngsters before you laugh)
Has the chif sold out slowly? )))
I'll answer the question with a question. Do you have a method of dialing poses?