FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 472

Vladimir Zubov:
That's right!


Forgot to add.

For those who write and trade by robot...

It's enough for the quoteseller to figure out where (the price) you entered the trade. If your strategy has an exit entry and a flip, then the price will start wobbling there like a spread printing press.

There should be no such place for a robot, so there are no targets and there shouldn't be any.

Not proving it, that's what I'm talking about - "free cheese only in a mousetrap", in this case a prediction. I hope that those who read the above understand what I mean. Therefore, the most correct and unique way to win - your own and only your own!!!

Since the market has existed for a long time, it is unlikely that you will be able to find your own.



Forgot to add.

For those who write and trade by robot...

It's enough for the quoteseller to figure out where (the price) you entered the trade. If your strategy has an exit entry and a reversal, the price will start wobbling like a spread printing press there.

For a robot, there should be no such place, so there are no targets and there should not be any.

And how do you fix profits according to you?


Forgot to add.

For those who write and trade by robot...

It's enough for the quoteseller to figure out where (the price) you entered the trade. If your strategy has an exit entry and a reversal, the price will start wobbling like a spread printing press there.

For a robot, there should be no such place, so there are no targets and there should not be any.

I don't think that the market maker should do it, but I trade on brokerage companies where my volumes are not important and the amount is not so big. And at the same time there is a protection against such jokes.

I have to share my thoughts as well. If we're going to get into this mess.


I have not seen such volumes since March, when the price was 1.4850.

I will try to buy from 5460 with a short stop.


I have to share my thoughts as well. If we're going to get into this mess.


I have not seen such volumes since March, when the price was 1.4850.

I will try to buy from 5460 with a short stop.

We will see 5300-50, if it does not hold - wait for 48-49.
We'll see 5300-50, if it doesn't hold - wait for 48-49.

If we go below Friday's low, then yes, 1.50.

By volume, either someone bought for the first time in almost half a year or dumped it. I am leaning towards the fact that they did buy.


If we go below Friday's low, then yes, 1.50.

By volume, either someone bought for the first time in almost half a year or dumped it. I am leaning towards the fact that they did buy.

Without if.
The market, a year ago, is a very fa-market. what kind of growth in the eu is there if the Deutsche Bank is on the 70th shoulder, the debt of the little yellow men is cooler than the Greeks, the Chinese collapsed by a third. and what the fuck is 18 trillion? the navy and the army are behind them. If someone ever gets somebody to pony up for dough somewhere, the tank is empty. my only bet is on ginger, but it's not much traded... I am globally confident: 0.8 (EUR) 0.5 (Astral) and the Russian ruble is 120.
The market, a year ago, is a very fa-market. what kind of growth in the eu is there if the Deutsche Bank is on the 70th shoulder, the debt of the little yellow men is cooler than the Greeks, the Chinese collapsed by a third. and what the fuck is 18 trillion? the navy and the army are behind them. If someone ever gets someone to pony up for dough somewhere - the tank is clean. you can bet on ginger, but it is so cheap... i am globally confident: 0.8 (euronotes) 0.5 (astral) and also the rupiah at 120.
and my five cents... the market is led by the franc and the yen. these two currencies are leading to a target exchange rate.