FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 426

Vladimir Zubov:
If they do, we may go back a few more figures. if they do not, we may go back, as the rate has not changed. but now it will not go so fast. plus, in an hour the rest of the majors will react.

I'll tell you in confidence that it will close the week around 56)))

Just don't tell anyone...

I think the hike has started).
I think the hike has started).
Yes, you can buy a 1.55
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
Yeah, we could buy 1.55.
I'm going to buy a little bit now, the other pairs are a bit boring.
I'm going to buy a little now, the other pairs are a bit boring.
So there you go.
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
So there you go.
I see the benefit of the 545, 547 limit at the pound in similar cases the brakes kick in late.

by the way, the sell sticks are worked out...

waiting for the buy sticks on the moon...

I see the benefit of limits 545, 547 in the pound in similar cases the brakes are on late.
I can buy till 1.38.), if you are serious then yes your goals are real and the pendants are there

So, is the pound going to draw the buy sticks today?

So, will the pound buy sticks today?
There's already some for ice cream.)