
I doubt you really feel that way. It's more likely that you have an extremely consumerist attitude. So you are the only one asking questions. And when someone asks questions about your own problem, for some reason it is not welcomed, for sure the asker will be put in an idiotic position.

And by the way, that question was not about a flat, a car or money.

You must have a very large car indeed?

Once again, I don't have the brains to

to understand the intricacies of your humor....

Much less adequately comprehend your train of thought!


You must have a very large car indeed?

I reiterate that I don't have the brains to

to understand the intricacies of your humor....

Much less adequately comprehend your train of thought!

It's not my humour, it's a world-famous joke. Also, I didn't start it about size.
It's not my humor, it's a worldwide and nationally known joke. And I didn't start it about size.

I don't know people's jokes, I ask questions on this forum...

Maybe( about sizes), you will finish it?

P/S Don't talk about pee-pee, we already figured out (earlier) that I'm bigger.


I don't know people's jokes, I ask questions on this forum...

Maybe( about the size), you will finish?

May I ask what you meant by the statement "I don't know people's jokes". Was it about your separation from the people? It's really not clear what's the point or why and what is it? Do you really know not a single folk joke, not a single bearded joke?

Why about the size of"and finish"? It is possible to finish, but not "and", because I didn't start it, so I have to finish it.


Let's go political attacks... :)

I simply suggested you finish this, as they call it here, trolling.

Let it be, if it makes you feel any better, that I started it, but I suggest you finish it.


Let's go political attacks... :)

I simply suggested you finish this, as they call it here, trolling.

Let it be, if it makes you feel any better, that I started it, but I suggest you finish it.

Where was the political attack? At what point did you simply suggest? Pretty clearly showed you that you didn't just suggest it, but as usual with a twist.

Why the appeasement? Calm enough as it is.


Where was the political attack? At what point did you simply suggest it? Pretty clearly showed you that you didn't just suggest it, but as usual with a twist.

Why the appeasement? Calm enough as it is.


Where was the political attack?

You see... You don't understand my humour and I don't understand yours either (clever ones always do).


So quite calm.

If you did, you would stop bickering with me, as I suggested to you.



Probably my short original question was somehow "crumpled".

So I'll try to give you an overview of it (i.e. the details of what I thought before I asked it).

From the MQ help:

Properties of orders

Orders to execute trades are issued by orders. Each order has a number of properties to read, and the information about them can be obtained using theOrderGet...() andHistoryOrderGet...()functions.

From the MQ:


The identifier of the position placed on the order when it is executed. Each executed order generatesa trade, which opens a newposition or modifies an existing one. The identifier of this position is set to the executed order at that moment.

The reasoning was as follows:

1. an executed order generates a deal (a partially executed order also generates a deal).

2. If I have set the order, it is partially executed, and then I cancel it, then I think theORDER_POSITION_ID hasto be offered.

But, if I have not removed it, thenORDER_POSITION_ID should have been already assigned.

4. How to count? A partially executed order is also an executed order. (It was executed partially.)

Maybe my reasoning is wrong or maybe it is right?

It is written:

An identifier of the position that will be given to the order when it is executed.

And what kind of execution? Partial or full?

What is the point of obtaining data on the order using OrderGet...(),

If this data is not there?


The part that was fulfilled will have an yid and the part that was not fulfilled will not have an yid. It is even just logical. The order is hanging and the position can be closed. If the remaining part is triggered, there will be another position, it must have a different id. That's why it's 0.


The part that was fulfilled will have an yid and the part that was not fulfilled will not have an yid. It is even just logical. The order is hanging and the position can be closed. If the remaining part is triggered, there will be another position, it must have a different id. That's why it's 0.

And I don't close the position.