Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 118

he's forgiven and he's back again.)
I don't think he's going to sign the reals there.
I'm just kidding.
he's forgiven and he's back again.)
it's internet masochism.
I'm kidding.

Are you kidding?

There's one who's kidding.)


Are you kidding?

there's one who's kidding.)

He wanted to get banned as soon as possible.

he only feels like himself when he's banned


are you kidding?

There's one who's kidding.)

there's another one in character.
Грани.Ру: Художник Петр Павленский прибил мошонку гвоздем к брусчатке на Красной площади
Художник Петр Павленский прибил свою мошонку гвоздем к брусчатке на Красной площади, сообщает корреспондент "Граней". Акция приурочена к Дню полиции, который отмечается 10 ноября. Акция началась в 13:00. Около 14:30 художника увезли на скорой в Первую градскую больницу. Там ему оказали медицинскую помощь. От госпитализации Павленский отказался...
So you identified it?

Well, I had my doubts before, but now I just got confirmation.

One of the subscribers sent in pictures.

His warrants:

Mine at the same time.

In short, any ECN account in signals implies the possibility of manipulation of subscribers, if they are within the same ECN.


Well I had my doubts before, I just got confirmation now.

One of the subscribers sent me pictures.

His orders:

Mine at the same time

In short any ECN account in signals implies possibility to manipulate subscribers if they are within the same ECN.

The terminal seems to have a parameter for allowable slippage, I wonder if this parameter will work as well.

MM strategies will milk the subscribers )


How do you protect subscribers from this kind of "shenanigans"?

Well I had my doubts before, I just got confirmation now.

One of the subscribers sent pictures.

His orders:

Mine at the same time

In short, any ECN account in signals implies the possibility of manipulations with subscribers if they are within the same ECN.

If you are going to "shorten" the evidence like that, there is no way it will be "shorter".

You have shown a small screen with two orders although you actually had 5 trades at that time. Moreover, even the volumes of the deals you have checked did not coincide. Your trades given out for comparison are 1 and 2:

Time Type Volume Symbol Price S/L T/P Time Price Commission Swap Profit Commentary
2013.11.10 02:21 Sell 10.00 NMCUSD 0.650
0.642 2013.11.10 02:25 0.642 -0.03
0.08 [tp]
22013.11.10 02:21 Buy 8.37 NMCUSD 0.641
0.647 2013.11.10 02:25 0.647 -0.03
0.05 [tp]
32013.11.10 02:21 Sell 10.00 NMCUSD 0.650
0.642 2013.11.10 02:25 0.642 -0.03
0.08 [tp]
42013.11.10 02:21 Buy 10.00 NMCUSD 0.641
0.647 2013.11.10 02:25 0.647 -0.03
0.06 [tp]
52013.11.10 02:21 Sell 10.00 NMCUSD 0.650
0.642 2013.11.10 02:25 0.642 -0.03
0.08 [tp]

In contrast, you have also presented only two deals of the subscriber, pulled out of the series:

At subscriber you showed trades 4 (BUY 10 at 0.641, close at 0.647 - mismatch in volume, at provider 8.37 and in price) and 3 or 5 (SELL 10 at 0.641, close at 0.642 - here mismatch in opening price).


  1. why did you hide the series of 5 deals, showing only 2
  2. why in such a strange way the opening price at 0.650 and 0.641 are mixed up in the Subscriber's screenshot, though the spread is 2 times lower?
  3. Why does not the screenshot of the subscriber show the profit?