Creating and maintaining a blog at - page 5


Here's the bloodsucker :)

Freudian caveat, in simplicity of course.

At least he spelled the word "functionality" with an "o"...

For the website this will be a definite plus. Visibility and attendance of the website in search engines should increase significantly if users maintain blogs on the subject of the site. Due to the fact that the blogs will be part of the site, then (I assume) they will also have a good weight on the network and will be quickly indexed and draw some traffic from search engines.

I think that if you manage to promote your blog here and then try to monetise it by offering to put banners to advertisers, then the transitions from to blog, which is located here, will be counted as internal transitions and will not wind up the counter, that is, with this drop will not, if advertising is set to show. But the conversions to the advertiser's site will be counted. Although the detailed rules will be prepared by MQ themselves.

And everything else is the same as in usual blogs. A blog is quite difficult to promote. With white methods it is quite a long and time-consuming process. Using aggressively black methods of promotion can only do harm and fly on the back positions or even get under the filter.

As for monetization, Renat himself wrote that it will be possible to place third-party advertising. MQ is writing an engine with which everyone can easily customize the design of their blog as they see fit. It will probably be possible to use html, css and JS to edit the blog template, a tag cloud, sections by topic. In other words, it would be much more convenient than what's in the profile now. And it will look like a separate website. You can connect other services or even write them yourself, or ! in the Jobs section, and this can attract other developers who are familiar with web design and web programming, which in turn also benefits MQ.

For those who already have their own blog or website, this platform can be used as an additional source of traffic. It is only possible to post announcements of articles with a link to your main resource.

Here it is unreasonable expectations. I do not think that I'm like gloating, it's just necessary to look at things dryly.
This is what unmet expectations are all about. ...
Which is what? And for whom? For MQ or for users? It's not like I've written anything beyond expectations. Everything is usual and rather dry. :) For MQ, it's a plus 100% because such resources develop only on the fact that they have the ability to blog and there is nothing else. In this case, the number of unique visitors reaches up to 15 thousand, and the site looks like after an atomic war.

What will be the structure of the blogs? They are all about the same,.

It's hard to introduce new stuff nowadays as almost everything exists and 99% of everyone creates a wheel, but not everyone can spin it to the max.

Maybe share an opinion for a critique.

The question sort of already has an answer.

Now in blogs, I understand systems are adopted a la "diary": sorting by date, plus tags for searching.

For me, a more convenient system a la "directory": the ability to create sections with sub-sections, 2-3 levels at least.


The question sort of already has an answer.

Nowadays blogging systems are adopted a la "diary": sorting by date, plus tags for searching.

For me, a system a la "directory" is more convenient: the ability to create sections with sub-sections, 2-3 levels at least.

Yes, the same for me too. But if in order to get more visitors to blogs (and the portal as a whole) need a la diary as now in the profile for example (and for SEO this is the most optimal as I understand - like "one post = one thread"), then it's okay. Especially if the link to the blog will be in the profile (and the main thing is there is probably a profile), then it's kind of the same whether it is structured or not.

For me, a system a la "handbook" is more convenient: the ability to create sections with sub-sections, 2-3 levels at least.

On a blogger, no one is stopping you from further organizing everything into sections.
On blogger, no one is stopping them from further organizing everything into sections.

On blogspot, tol64 has also seen sections, there are probably options.

The question is how MQ implements this.

What is it? And for whom?

For Forumers. Exaggerated expectations of high blog traffic because BLOG.

You need content for high traffic . Original and high quality demanded. And all at once .

And the pluses of SEO is only the speed of pulling in readers.

And here people are already voting on what topic to blog about and counting the profits from the future rental of advertising space.


For Forumers. Exaggerated expectations of high blog traffic because BLOG.

You need content for high traffic . Original and high quality demanded. And all at once .

And the pluses of SEO is only the speed of pulling in readers.

And here people are already voting on what theme to blog about and counting the profits from the future rent of places for advertising.

I have not noticed that anyone is calculating anything. It's just a vote dump. :)

On the contrary I have underlined that promotion of a blog/site is a laborious and long process, if you do it alone. Naturally, for better visibility on the web you need a lot of quality unique and useful content.

Oh, and, "It's not wrong to dream. It is harmful not to dream." )))

tol64: promoting a blog/site is a time-consuming and lengthy process if you do it alone.
Practice shows that you can write a blog of two sentences and the blog topic will make it to the top of the month.