MQL: security vs opportunities - page 8


You think you can't do spyware on files, but you can do it on virtual files?

If the virtual files are local, you can't. But we are talking about other terminals from the network, right?


PS I can send you 4 vinths killed in 1.5 years (there are all brands from samsugny to wd).

PPS all have the same problem, after warming up they stop reading the fat area. It can't be just a coincidence. Problems started when I started to actively use programs of data exchange through files.

PPPS Last drive dropped in December, green WD 500gb (didn't last half a year). Now I'm using a Fujitsu Notebook.

Well, I don't believe in such [my] luck!

Ok really would be one computer and 2 months of its use - not a stat. reliable, but really have 2 iron servers with 5 years of round-the-clock work!

Maybe defragmentation(I didn't turn it off) really saved the day? ;)



I'll have a look for interest. I'll report the results.

Isn't there an analogue for the vin? I can't go to the ISP to download from a floppy disk...


But agree, exchanging data via a virus file would be many times faster.


New opportunities are opening up.

Are there any real needs? Or "just in reserve"?

I'll have a look for interest. I'll let you know the results.

Isn't there an analogue for Windows? I can't go to my ISP to download from a floppy disk... (here is how to run on win)

there should still be some.

if the physical drive is the same as the one on which win is installed, there is no way to check. You need monopoly access.

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It's not the most desirable solution, but it will allow sharing within a single local computer without wiping a hole in the drive.



You think you can't do spyware on files, but you can do it on virtual files?

PS i can send you 4 vinths killed in 1.5 years (there are all brands from samsugn to wd).

PPS all have the same problem, after warming up they stop reading the fat area. It can't be just a coincidence. Problems started when I actively started using data exchange programs via files.

PPPS last drive dropped in December green WD 500gb (didn't last half a year). Now I'm using a Fujitsu Notebook.
If you have an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), what's wrong with a RAM drive?

But we are talking about other terminals from the network, aren't we?


If you have an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), what's wrong with RAM drive?

Same thing - dll. (and it's not kasher to frame terminals :)

I'm asking MK for a native MT solution, so that the information between the terminal and the agent can be exchanged without a screw, directly or via shared memory at least.

They gave GlobalVariable within one terminal

why not give the same within one terminal + its local agents

Actually, ram-drive may be a good solution and there are no dll calls. but there is no-drive will be out of reach from the sandbox. again.

Question for Ram-drive experts.

Is it possible to create a folder in op-memory, but to address it as a folder on an existing HDD? Like this:


Then it'll be just right. :)

Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FolderCreate
Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FolderCreate
Файловые операции / FolderCreate - Документация по MQL5

Question for Ram-drive specialists.

Is it possible to create a folder in op-memory, but to address it as a folder on an existing HDD? Like this:


Then it'll be just right. :)

Yes, you can mount the drive to a folder.
Yes, you can mount the drive to a folder.