Lance Begs' postulates - page 6


By the way, how are your results? Or the market is a hobby, and you earn money sitting around the trousers in the research institute (I had an experience after uni, a year at the institute of electrodynamics, my will - all cut = syduns).

I'm fine with the results. And why do you need to know? (Rhetorical question).


Z.I. The point of the joke is not understood, a construction shop is prosaic for a locksmith and chaos for a housewife. It's all about experience.

Not really, you can be a very experienced plummer. So, experience alone is not all that is needed.

I'm fine with the results. And why do you need to know that? (rhetorical question)

Not really, you can be a very experienced plummer. So, experience alone is not all that is needed.

1. Alas, but not like this. Only those who have succeeded can teach (tell). Otherwise it is demagogy. I have not seen your result, so I do not see any reason to believe blindly.

I have not seen your result, so I do not see any reason to blindly believe it. 2. Even an experienced plummer, can teach - what not to do what would not plummet, although it does not equal earnings.

Going back to the beginning of the branch, I do not remember the name of the book, where the author painted all the stages of becoming a trader, but the thesis on which you have focused your attention is already passed, which explains my sarcasm. In a little while you will see for yourself, I hope.


1. Alas, but not like this. Only those who have succeeded can teach (tell). Otherwise it is demagogy. I have not seen your result, so I do not see any reason to believe blindly.

I have not seen your result, so I do not see any reason for blind faith. 2. Even an experienced plummer, can teach - what not to do what would not to plummet, although it does not equal earnings.

You don't have to believe me, I don't care. But actually, this is Lance we're talking about.

And, the thesis that an experienced plummer can teach you something is a fantasy. In order to make a profit, relatively speaking, one possibility is one, but there are many of them.


Going back to the beginning of the branch, I do not remember the name of the book, where the author painted all the stages of becoming a trader, but the thesis on which you have focused your attention is already passed, which explains my sarcasm. In a little while you will see for yourself, I hope.

Throw this book away, the name of which you do not remember, burn it in the fire. You probably don't understand what I'm talking about.

You don't seem to know what you're talking about at all.

Evaluative judgements are based on your subjective perceptions, not facts. Live in your fantasy world.

And I haven't seen people with that avatar in Forbes....

...said the kid with the Bernanke avatar))
...said the kid with the Bernanke avatar.)
i'm not the messiah, unlike the kids with the toy avatar.

By the way, how are your results? Or the market is a hobby, and you earn money sitting around the trousers in the research institute (I had an experience after uni, a year at the institute of electrodynamics, my will - all cut = syduns).

Z.I. The point of the joke is not understood, a construction shop is prosaic for a locksmith and chaos for a housewife. It's all about experience.

Vitaly, you may not be aware of it, but HideYourRichess is a highly respected character, whose opinion is listened to, not unreasonably. I feel that you are an experienced trader who trades on American exchanges. But making invective towards him, you won't get respect from the inhabitants of this place. I think you get that from what people are saying to you. Stop fighting windmills, you've picked the wrong target to harass. Trying to prove his incompetence is more likely to make you look like a simpleton.
Stop fighting windmills, you've got the wrong target.
Mm-hmm. I'd rather be bullied by a nub.

By the way, how are your results? Or the market is a hobby, but you earn money by sitting around in research institutes (I had an experience after uni, a year at the Institute of Electrodynamics, I would have cut everyone down - the syduns).

I have a bad result - more than 31% per year - well, it does not work. I wanted to trade signals, but so far they only subscribe to signals with earning power of 400-500%, i.e. I obviously fail.

Maybe you can teach me... Tell me... tell me how to increase?

Estimates are based on subjective perceptions, not on facts. Live in your fantasy world.

Talking about objectivity or subjectivity in the market is a futile exercise. And there are many reasons for that. The important thing is whether it is profitable or not. And if it does, then how robust it is. The robustness is provided by understanding the processes occurring in the market, not by trailing some indicators, for example.

The analogy here is this. Let's say driving a car. It is clear that when you are driving you think in terms of the car, the road, the traffic code, and the idiots behind the wheel. You look around, plan your actions, etc. But if you close all the windows and make to drive by a navigator, for example, the result is clear. It should be. So, the indicators - very often, and there is driving with eyes closed on a navigator. Yes, a navigator can be very useful, but it cannot replace the ability to drive.

It's not generally clear to me why such a simple idea can't be understood. If you have objections against Lance's postulates, please, state them point by point. No, goodbye.