Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 2318

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Put a vibrodynamic (or whatever it is), mount it to the ceiling.

You don't hear about the horse's neighing, they want to put a man there.


You didn't hear about the horse neighing, they want to put the man in jail.

ahah; ) heard. Did he also use vibrodynamic?

Evgeniy Chumakov:

ahah; ) heard. Did he use vibrodynamic too?

I don't know, but he was disturbing all the neighbors. It's an illegal method.

Most likely my upstairs neighbors installed sound amplifying equipment sometimes you can hear them, as if they are in the next room.

My mother and sister went up to them they had ripped out the baseboards (floors are double), through which they could put the equipment.


I don't know, but I was disturbing all the neighbors.

I think with a vibrating speaker you should only hear upstairs, you'll be quiet.


I don't know, but he was disturbing all the neighbors. This is an illegal method.

Most likely my upstairs neighbors installed sound amplifying equipment sometimes you can hear them, as if they are in the next room.

My mother and sister went up to their place they had the baseboards ripped out(double floors) through which they could put the equipment.

Well, no need to fantasize, of course.

If the flyers written to the police do not help, and to arrange a fist fight is not desirable, then the only way out - to sell the apartment and move to another place. C'est la vie. By the way, this option will probably make you get a job as soon as possible to have cash to cover unexpected expenses.

Good luck!


Well, you don't have to fantasize, of course.

If the letters written to the police don't help, and you don't want to have a fist fight, then there's only one way out - sell the apartment and move somewhere else. C'est la vie. By the way, this option will probably make you get a job as soon as possible to have cash to cover unexpected expenses.

Good luck!

If the police do not help, the prosecutor's office may help.


If the police do not help, then the prosecutor's office will help, not there at all look for information

Once again - I had an absolutely similar story going on in my building. Nothing helped - people moved out. The buyer was found very quickly.


Well, you don't have to fantasize, of course.

If the letters written to the police don't help, and you don't want to have a fist fight, then there's only one way out - sell the apartment and move somewhere else. C'est la vie. By the way, this option will probably make you get a job as soon as possible to have cash to cover unexpected expenses.

Good luck!

That's why I study programming languages so I can get a job, but they don't let me concentrate.


And how is the new tenant handling it?

Don't know yet - only lived for a week or less.


Well, or sell the apartment and buy somewhere else.

I would also add - rent an apartment for a while, and sell your own. But you need cash, and forexman doesn't have it yet. We have to find some! Either at the factory or elsewhere - that's life...

And the market isn't going anywhere.