recent Calendar events not pulled by CalendarValueHistoryByEvent



I want to have an array with the historic values of a certain event, let's say the british claimant count.

So I find out the respective id of that event, and create the array with the CalendarValueHistoryByEvent function.

However it won't give me the most recent events. It only goes up to the end of 2018, and then there is a gap and it gives me the upcoming one.

void OnStart(void)
   MqlCalendarEvent gbEvents[];
   datetime from = D'2015.01.01';
   datetime to = D'2023.01.01';
   ulong event_id = gbEvents[3].id;
   MqlCalendarValue claimant_counts[];
   int count = CalendarValueHistoryByEvent(event_id,claimant_counts,from,to);

Any ideas why I don't get data between 2019 and today?
