How to find Chart Timezone of current chart?


Some charts are operational on TimeGMT() while some may work on TimeLocal()

So i want to find what is Broker time on chart in a format like GMT + x ot GMT -x and print it as output


Dark Ryd3r:  So i want to find what is Broker time on chart

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Dark Ryd3r: So i want to find what is Broker time on chart in a format like GMT + x ot GMT -x and print it as output
TimeTradeServer() - TimeGMT() // Difference in seconds between trader server time and UTC/GMT time.
Fernando Carreiro #:
Dark Ryd3r:

Some charts are operational on TimeGMT() while some may work on TimeLocal()

So i want to find what is Broker time on chart in a format like GMT + x ot GMT -x and print it as output


you can find it here